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The 3 Best Exercises to Improve Sexual Function

Whether you suffer from premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, are unable to orgasm – or you just want to improve your sex life, it’s important to exercise your “sex” muscles. These are the groups of muscles directly involved in the sexual act. Viagra doesn’t provide a long term increase of blood flow and it can have some nasty side effects. Increasing the health of your sex muscles will naturally increase blood flow and can lead to improved sexual function.

Best Exercise for Increasing Erection Hardness and Improving Orgasm Control by Strengthening Core Sex Muscles

This exercise involves your PC muscle (your pelvic floor muscle) which can be easily found by flexing your penis or vagina, which is what you do to stop the flow of urine midstream, or to hold urine in when you need to pee.

Best Exercise for Strengthening Supporting Sex Muscles

Without this second exercise your other muscles may become tired and unable to complete the sexual act to mutual fulfilment for both partners.
This one exercise will strengthen your abs, lower back, shoulders, chest, arms, legs and buttocks.

The Push-Up. Instead of lowering yourself all the way to the ground, I want you to lower yourself ONLY halfway down.

Best Exercise for Increasing Overall Sexual Fitness

This easy exercise increases blood flow to all areas of your body, strengthens your pelvic floor, abdominal, hip and upper leg muscles as well as strengthening your lymphatic system to help remove toxins from your cells – so you can feel less lethargic and have more energy for sex.
Rebounding on a mini trampoline for 10 minutes twice a day will do wonders for your overall health. Safety first, makes sure there is padding which covers the springs on your rebounder.

Gain Weight, Lose Your Sex Life?

Erectile dysfunction is commonly attributed to obesity, and both can sink your sex life. Find out why you should take control of your weight to regain your libido.
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is one of the most common chronic conditions men face. It's estimated that 18 million men older than 20 experience it to some degree. Yet those numbers don't lessen the anxiety you feel when it happens to you.
Men experience ED in different ways, but in general, erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection for desired sexual activity. Though various things can cause ED, there's a consistently strong connection between obesity and sexual dysfunction - obese men are 2½ times more likely to experience ED than those of normal weight.
Obesity refers to body weight that is far above what is considered healthy. However, you could start to notice a variety of health issues, including ED, by being just 30 pounds overweight.
Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction: A Real Downer

The effects of weight gain on your sex life are twofold. First, obesity predisposes you to cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis - cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels that impede blood flow to your organs, including the penis. Second, obese men have lower levels of testosterone, a male hormone vital to sexual function. This affects the ability to achieve erections because you need testosterone to increase the availability of nitric oxide, a blood vessel dilator in penile tissue.

In fact, the connection between heart health and sexual health is so strong that erectile dysfunction can often be the first sign of cardiovascular disease in overweight men. Researchers at the Institute of Cardiology at the University of Milan found that nearly all men who had coronary artery disease had experienced ED an average of 2 to 3 years before developing heart symptoms. Also, doctors at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio found that because of its connection to obesity, erectile dysfunction may be a predictor of future heart attacks and strokes.

According to a study done at the Center for Men's Health at Brown University in Providence, R.I., men typically first visit the doctor because of sexual complaints. So use erectile dysfunction as your opportunity to address your overall health - think of it as your body's way of telling you it's time to get a thorough checkup.

Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction: The Psychological Fallout

Being overweight can also place psychological obstacles between you and a healthy sex life. Because of decreased testosterone levels, you may be experiencing low libido, a depressed mood, and decreased energy. These factors conspire to further inhibit your ability and, as importantly, your desire to have a satisfying sex life. Men even report a diminished sense of vitality and well-being.

Weight Loss: Your Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Ready to regain your sex life? Then it's time to shed that extra weight. Researchers at the Center for Obesity Management in Naples, Italy, found that weight loss improved sexual function in one-third of obese men.
Though the idea of weight loss can be overwhelming, the rules are actually simple. First, take a look at how much you eat. Ideally, aim to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week, which means cutting out 500 to 1,000 calories each day. That's right - it's time to read those dreaded nutrition labels.
Next, watch what you eat. Get rid of those chips and dips and cozy up to some greens and other raw veggies when you want to snack. Ditch the red and processed meats and try a fish filet instead. Switch up your white bread and pasta for some whole grains. Italian researchers found that these diet principles - the basis for the healthful Mediterranean diet - are very effective in improving ED in people with obesity.
Last, but not least, get a move on. Physical activity is a must for any successful weight-loss strategy. The numbers speak for themselves: Highly active men have 30 percent less risk for ED than couch potatoes. Don't have time? Just skip a few episodes of your favorite TV shows and get active for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week.
And remember, the key to success is to maintain these healthy habits not just until you shed the pounds, but ideally for a lifetime.
It shows exactly what this guy, Neil Omen, did to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 35 minutes, read it here 
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