Non-Verbal Signs Of Falling In Love

Non-Verbal Signs Of Falling In Love

This article will help you for sure to know non-verbal signs of falling in love and whether someone likes you or not with a 75 % accuracy but in order for this to happen you need to take the following few points into consideration:

1). The signs in this article are numerous and seeing one or two signs is not enough to judge whether someone likes you or not, however, when five or more signs appear then certainly something is going on.

2). Don’t make quick judgments before you learn how to spot all of these signs so that you get the correct results. The process of detecting those who like you is fairly simple but it requires few days of training so take your time and don’t rush things.

3). Some signs have much higher weight than others and so if only three of them were present then there is a big possibility that the person is in love with you, throughout the article, I will notify you about those signs by using the words “High weight” beside some subtitles.

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41 Non-Verbal Signs Of Falling In Love

Are The Signs Listed For Males Or Females?

All the signs in this article are for males and females except for a few special ones that I will point out mentioning that they work only for a certain sex. So whether I am using a she or a he know that I am talking about human beings in general.

We start with the most popular Non-Verbal Signs:

#1. The Private Distance (High Weight):

Each person has a circle surrounding him called the private circle. If anyone got into our private circle we would feel uneasy, uncomfortable, and tense. Unless we really feel comfortable being around that person we will quickly step back to bring that person out of our private circle.

Do you know why people feel uneasy inside elevators? It’s because their private circles coincide while they barely know each other. You might have also noticed that close friends always keep smaller distances between them when standing with each other than the distances they keep when standing with strangers.

I can easily spot close friends from a distance by just looking at the small private distance they left in between them. Close friends usually stand and sit very close to each other to the extent that their shoulders or legs might sometimes touch.

When someone likes someone else he will unconsciously want to come closer to him and so he will reduce the private distance between him and that person to the extent that the other person might feel like wanting to step back.

If you were standing with a group of people and a girl like you then she would be standing as close to you as possible while leaving greater distances between her and the other people.

In short, If someone allowed you inside his private distance then the only possibilities are:

1) He likes you
2) He is interested in you or
3) He feels comfortable talking to you or being around you.

On the other hand, if someone is trying to step back whenever you come close to him then this person might not be interested in you nor does he want to come closer to you.

important: Let me remind you of the fact that one sign is never enough to determine whether someone likes you or not. I don’t want you to feel bad if you see someone stepping away from you simply because one sign is never enough to make a conclusion even if it is a powerful one.

How can private distance be measured? Of course, the size of the private circle varies from one person to another and that’s why you need a method to tell whether the person wants you inside his private circle or not.

To test the private distance correctly, you can step forward while talking to your potential partner and then notice his response. If the person unconsciously pulled back then he might not want you to step inside his private circle.

important: When stepping forward you must do this in a way that doesn’t allow the person’s conscious mind to notice. Most of the signals I will talk about in this article are unconscious signals that happen without the person noticing them.

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If for any reason the person noticed that he is sending such a signal he might pull back and do the exact opposite!! For example, if someone notices that is standing close to you then he might pull back in order not to show that he is that into you.

There is an even better way to make this test. Instead of stepping forward just step back and see if the person will try to reduce the distance between you and him once again. If a person likes you he will unconsciously want to stay close to you and so by pulling back, you will be forcing him to take a few steps forward.

If you were all seated the person who likes you might attempt to change his chair in order to sit closer to you. Again this is considered a sign that shows that he wants to get closer to you, however, you should never judge him before you notice the rest of the actions that will happen after he sits closer to you.

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If the person bent towards you or if he moved in the chair to come close to you then make sure that he was trying to reduce the private distance between you and him.

Contrary to common beliefs the whole process of moving closer to someone or pulling back is completely done by the subconscious mind and it has nothing to do with logical thinking or even noticing what’s happening.

Even if a girl was very shy and if she didn’t want to show that she likes you she would still come close to you without noticing. (female body language secrets)

If for any reason her conscious mind discovers that she came too close to you she will pull back for a while and then get closer again when her conscious mind forgets about the issue. So in short, even a shy person will do this move as long as his conscious mind doesn’t notice it.

#2. The Orientation:

In nonverbal signs, it’s almost impossible to talk about the private distance without talking about orientation.

What is the difference between the two pictures shown below?

In the first picture (the one on the left) the person is standing with his shoulders parallel to the other person, this is called proper orientation and it happens when the angle between you and the person you are facing becomes zero, while in the second picture the person is standing without facing the other one properly.

As you can see the guy in the picture on the right is not facing the other guy with his full body but instead his body is tilted away at a certain angle.

In body language, proper orientation is a sign of interest and of wanting to keep standing with that person. If the person you are talking to is not properly oriented then this doesn’t have any meaning except that he wants to leave.

Of course, wanting to leave doesn’t always mean that the person dislikes you but it could mean that he is in a hurry or that he has important things to do.

important: If a person likes you but for some reason believes that you don’t like him then he might feel like wanting to avoid you to protect his dignity. In such a case this person might appear as if he is in a hurry whenever you talk to him even though he wants to talk to you more.

Proper orientation is one of the strongest signs of attraction simply because the person who likes you will want to stand with you more.

If you were standing in a group then it would be impossible for each person to orient himself with everyone else since each person can only face a maximum of two other people but if someone likes you he will ignore the whole group and unconsciously orient himself towards you.

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important: All people without exception never maintain proper orientation when they are in a hurry. So if you met someone who didn’t face you with his whole body then don’t jump to conclusions and say that he doesn’t like you simply because he might just be in a hurry!

Even if you are not standing with the person or even if he is standing with other people a few meters away he will still face you with his body if he likes you. I can easily notice people who are trying to orient themselves with me even though they are standing a bit far from me. 

First I see the person looking at me to determine my position then I notice that he is slowly shifting his position to end up facing me.

If the person always faces you even though he is standing with other people then you can make sure that something is going on.

The subconscious mind of a person always believes that if he is facing a certain object then he can go to it easily. That’s why the subconscious mind of the person who likes you will let him face you. By doing so the subconscious mind of a person will rest assured that it helped him take the first step towards approaching his target.

The reason I didn’t write “High weight” beside this sign is that if someone is interested in talking to you because of any other reason then he will still maintain the proper orientation.

For example, if you are telling someone about an interesting topic then maintaining the orientation will happen naturally even if he doesn’t like you.

VIP TIP: A person might not be oriented towards you because of the angle you approached him from. In order to make sure whether he wants to stand with you or not just change your position to face him properly and watch for his reaction. If he didn’t move then most probably he wants to stand with you but if he changed his position and orientation in such a way that he is no longer parallel to you anymore then know that he wants to leave.

#3. Is He Really Interesting In Listening To You? (High Weight)

Nowadays lots of people try to fake their interest in a topic by either nodding continuously or by acting as if they are listening while they are not.

In body language, several unconscious signs can easily let you know whether someone is really listening or whether he is just faking it.

There is a very important point you should put into your mind, the nonverbal signs I am talking about in this article are sourced from the subconscious mind and not the conscious mind.

This means that the person doing them won’t be aware that he is doing them and in addition, they won’t have any relation with cultural differences.

Thousands of books that claim to be "nonverbal signs" and body language books then talk about cultural differences and conscious gestures. 

But here is the question that they never thought about, If the gestures are done consciously by the person and if he is fully aware of them then what’s the use of trying to predict his feelings through them while he can easily manipulate them??

Yes, I know that even unconscious gestures can be controlled by very few people who know about them but most people don’t know anything about them and that’s why almost everyone does them without paying attention.

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As you can see in the picture below, this person is extremely interested in what he is listening to because his head is tilted. When we are in the state of receiving information that interests us our heads become tilted. When we like what we are hearing, even more, we might even start to smile while listening.

Commonly, someone takes this gesture when you talk about an interesting topic but if someone keeps taking it while listening to you even if you are talking about yourself then know for sure that he is interested in you.

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I don’t want to tell you to depend on this sign alone for the sake of accuracy but know that its one of the very powerful signs that can indicate whether someone is interested in you or not.

#4. Positive Evaluation (High weight)

In body language when you see something that you like you will usually take a gesture called the positive evaluation of the situation which is shown in the pictures below.

As you can see in the picture when we evaluate something in a positive way we either scratch our eyebrows or restore our glasses back to their place (even if they were already in place). To obtain an improved understanding of the positive evaluation gesture let me give you a few examples of situations where it may occur:

· When you see a beautiful cell phone that you are about to buy
· When you read your exam results and find that you got straight As
· When you arrive late to the lecture and discover that it was canceled

I know what you are thinking of now right what, you are wondering what restoring your glasses to their place has to do with seeing something that you like?

Simply your subconscious mind believes that restoring your glasses to their place will improve your vision and so allow you to see whatever you like more clearly.

When you like something you will feel that you want to scratch your eyebrows as well. Whenever you find yourself scratching your eyebrows try to recall the last thought that was in your mind and you will discover that it was a positive thought.

Both signs have the same exact meaning and they don’t have any meaning other than liking something. No, you are not restoring your glasses back to prevent them from falling because if this was the case you would have never done this move twice in less than five minutes upon seeing something that you like.

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So what does all this have to do with knowing whether someone likes you or not??

Simply these gestures happen also when you see people that you like!!
So if someone did it :

· Upon seeing you
· Upon knowing that you will show up in the place he is going to the next day

Then know that there is a good possibility that he likes you. One important thing you should put into consideration is that the absence of this sign doesn’t mean that the person dislikes you but its presence surely means that he is interested in you.

So in short if you found this sign then count it as a positive point and if you didn’t find it then just look for other signs.

This is how "nonverbal signs" and body language work. The presence of certain signs is always an indicator of the presence of certain emotions but the absence of the signs doesn’t always reflect the absence of the emotions.

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#5. Negative Evaluation

Suppose that you came back home feeling very thirsty after a long workday. What will happen if you opened the refrigerator and found nothing at all to drink?

At this point, you're most likely to develop negative feelings towards the situation.

Here is another example that might result in such negative emotions. suppose that you had an appointment for a job interview and that you were already late.

What will happen if as soon as you arrive at your car you discover that you forgot your keys at home?

Most probably you will experience similar negative feelings to the ones you experienced in the first situation. When a negative situation happens, the blood capillaries in your nose contract and thus you will feel like wanting to scratch it which in turn results in the gesture shown in the picture below.

This gesture is one of the most popular gestures in body language because of the many negative situations we encounter in our lives. A lot of people, upon seeing the picture below will think that they have never taken that gesture before while in fact, they are completely wrong.

The truth is that they took it thousands of times but since the gesture wasn't relevant to the subconscious mind it was always discarded. 

Now that you have become aware of the significance of that gesture you are most likely to notice it the next time you take it.

VIP TIP: The subconscious mind receives millions of bits of information per second. Because most of this information was not relevant it is discarded unless it's of interest to you. You might have been discarding all the information about your gestures just because they meant nothing to you in the past and that’s why you might believe that you never took a certain gesture before.

So what does this have to do with knowing whether someone likes you or not???
Suppose that someone made that gesture right upon:

· Knowing that you are interested in someone else
· Knowing that you won't show up for the next few weeks
· Being told that someone proposed to you

If the person didn’t like any of these situations then there is a big possibility that he likes you.

There are hundreds of similar statements that you can use on the intention to test whether the target person likes you or not. For example, if you tell your target that you have to leave for one year to another country and that you might not have internet there then he will surely make this gesture if he loves you.

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Many sources on the internet incorrectly claim that touching the face is a negative sign but just as you saw touching the eyebrow has meaning while touching your nose has a completely different meaning.

In addition, even the negative gesture can have a positive meaning if it was done as a response to something negative, that was said. For example, if someone touched his nose (negative move) upon knowing that you are committed then this negative move actually had a positive meaning which is that this person likes you.

#6. Touching The Eye Is a Negative Sign as Well

People unconsciously touch or rub their eyes when they see something that they don’t want to see. The subconscious mind believes that by doing so it will help them avoid that thing they don’t want to see.

The good news is that this gesture happens also when someone visualizes a negative scenario. In other words, if you told a person that you might travel for a year then he rubbed his eyes then know that he visualized a negative scenario in his mind (for example not seeing you for a year).

That’s why this is another sign that you can use to know whether someone likes you or not. Note that a person will usually rub one eye or touch it with a finger when he visualizes that negative situation.

#7. Playing With Her hair, Pulling His t-shirt (High weight)

One of the most talked-about signs on the internet is the hair flip that a woman does when she meets someone interesting. This sign is absolutely true and it's one of the most powerful signs you can use to know if someone likes you. (female body language secrets)

Actually, if a girl likes you so much she might keep doing this hair flip every now and then as long as she is standing with you. The presence of the multiple hair toss action alone is a powerful indicator that this girl likes you and in the worst case, she will be very interested in you.

So what is the relation between liking someone and flipping the hair? Some psychologists who support the hypothesis that love never happens unless there is some sort of physical attraction believe that this hair toss is an unconscious move done by the woman to reveal some of her hidden skin to the person she is interested in.

Even though I think that there are some cases where love can happen without physical attraction still I find their reasoning very logical and highly acceptable.

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This hair flip is amongst the most powerful signals that can show whether someone likes you or not. Had I not been afraid that you would make quick judgments I would have told you that this gesture is enough on its own to let you know if someone likes you.

The frequency of the gesture is also very important. If the hair flip was done once then you can blame it on the wind if there were any, but if the girl kept doing it over and over whenever you are there then certainly something is going on.

Another very important gesture that shows whether someone cares about his looks in front of you or not is pulling the t-shirt right at its bottom just before approaching you.

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 Guys and girls both do this gesture to stretch their t-shirts so that they look tidy in front of others. Of course, this is also an unconscious move that has nothing to do with the conscious desire to look better but it just happens when someone becomes concerned about his self-image in front of someone else.

If you saw a guy doing this right before approaching you then know that he wants you to find him attractive and that he cares about his looks in front of you. (How to Subtly Flirt With a Guy)

Another common gesture taken by guys when they become obsessed with their looks in front of someone is adjusting their shirt so that they hide their belly fat off. Some guys also voluntarily inhale to prevent their bellies from appearing right before approaching someone they are interested in.

In short, if someone is interested in you he will do his best to appear in his best form. (Body language of men in love)

#8. Pointing Towards You With His Toes (High weight)

Just like I said before, proper orientation in body language means that the person is interested in you but there is an additional powerful sign that can help you know whether someone wants to be with you or not even if he was standing with someone else.

I have said that the person who wants to approach you will orient himself in such a way that his body faces you but what if that person was sitting?

What if he couldn’t twist his body for any reason? This is where the next sign comes into play which is pointing towards you with his toe!

It was found that people point with their toes towards the destination they want to go to.

The subconscious mind, in this case, believes that pointing the toes toward a certain destination will make the process of walking to it easier.

A study has found that people who didn’t feel satisfied during job interviews pointed towards the door with their toes. This happens because those people feel like exiting the job interview.

If your target was sitting away then you can easily look at his foot to know whether it's pointed at you or not. Note that the person won't point at you with both his toes because one of them has to be in another direction so you have to look for only one foot that is pointed towards you.

#9. All About Smiles

Almost all websites say that smiling is a sign of interest and while this fact is correct still there are lots of in-depth details to be considered before you count the smile as a sign of attraction.

Here is why you shouldn’t count a smile as a positive sign as soon as you see it:

Does the smile last? :

Lots of people are nice, they will try to put a smile on their face to pretend that they are happy seeing you but it was found that real smiles do last for a few seconds even after the person looks away. It was also found that smiles that result from being attracted to someone last even longer.

Examine the smile of a person right after he turns away or let a close friend do it for you and you will know whether this smile was real or whether it was a fake one.

Is it a fake smile? :

True smiles don’t only move the lips but they extend to move lots of the facial muscles. Find a time where you are smiling from your heart then cover your mouth with your hand and stand in front of the mirror. What you will find is that you will still see yourself smiling even though you can’t see your mouth.

The clearest difference that can be noticed between a fake smile and a real smile is the movement of the muscles surrounding the eye.

You will notice some kind of wrinkles or movements in the skin around someone’s eye when he smiles from the heart. If on the other hand, the smile moved the mouth only then it might be a fake smile.

One very important point to note is that a person might be faking a smile because he is feeling bad or because he had a bad day and not because he doesn’t like you so make sure you look for all the signs together instead of just the smile.

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Smiling For No Reason:

We usually smile when we hear something interesting or when someone says something funny but when we become interested in someone we will tend to smile for no reason to the extent that we may keep the smile on our face as long as the conversation is going.

If someone kept smiling at you as long as he was talking to you without doing the same thing with other people then know that there is a very big possibility that he likes you.

All About The Eyes

Prolonged gaze: Proper eye contact shows interest. To properly maintain eye contact you need to look to the person you are talking to 70-80% of the time. Studies have shown that when someone becomes interested in another person he maintains eye contact for a longer period.

You might be wondering how a shy person can maintain eye contact for long periods?

With shy people, this is going to be a bit different. Yes, they might not be able to look you in the eye for long periods but you can easily realize whether they are interested in you or not by comparing the duration of eye contact when they are with you for the duration of eye contact when they are with others.

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If normal people look at you for 2 seconds before looking away then the person who likes you might look at you for four seconds. As soon as he realizes that he is doing it he will shift away from his eyes and look somewhere else because of his shyness but as long as the subconscious mind is taking control then his gaze is going to last for longer periods.

Note that looking someone in the eyes results in generating the same chemicals that are released when you become attached to someone.

important: looking someone in the eye for prolonged periods can fool him into thinking that he is in love with you.

#10. Pupil Dilation (Very High Weight)

Our pupils become bigger to allow more light to come in when we are in a dark place. They also become smaller to allow less light in when we find ourselves in places with a strong light that can harm our eyes.

These changes don’t only happen when light changes but it also happen upon seeing objects that we like or dislike. When we see something that we like our pupils tend to become bigger to allow more light to be reflected from this object to our eyes.

Research has shown that men’s pupils become bigger when they look at nude photos of females. Another research has shown that it’s possible to detect gays by watching how their pupils change when they shift from watching pictures of people of the opposite sex to pictures of people of the same sex.

Another research has shown that people’s pupils become larger when they are shown pictures of politicians that they like and smaller when they see pictures of politicians, they don’t like!

So what is the logical explanation for such a change?

Simply because your mind always wants the best for you. When you see something that you like then most probably your mind will make your pupil larger to help you see it more clearly.

When someone likes you his pupils will become bigger as soon as he sees you even if the lighting in the room didn’t change. You must be telling yourself that it's very hard to predict this change especially that his pupils will always be big while you are there.

Again you need a friend in here who can notice the before and after pupil size of the target and tell you if there was any difference.

A very important thing to take into consideration is that such a test must be done in the same place else the change in lighting intensity might give false indications.

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#11. Shinning Eyes

I have also noticed that our eyes shine when we see someone that we like, shining eyes are one of the strong signs that can show whether someone really likes you or not.

We have small glands in our eyes that secrete fluids that help our eyes function better.

It seems that the subconscious mind likes to improve the function of the eye when it sees someone or something that it likes.

That’s why a shining eye can be a sign that shows that someone is interested In you.

#12. Looking At You After Saying Something Funny:

If someone likes you he will do his best to see you smiling or laughing. If he said a joke that appealed to you or if you liked what he said his mood will change suddenly, he will become happier and more energetic.

If someone likes you he will do his best to make you laugh, that’s why he will always look at you right after saying anything funny to check whether you are laughing or not.

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The person who likes you will give you a look with a smile on his face right after he says the funny thing. It's as if he is telling you, “Hey, I am trying to make you laugh, did you like it?”

Within a few minutes, you can easily determine whether someone is doing this or not because simply he will be repeating it over and over.

The important thing you must do is not laugh out loud every time so that he doesn’t become confident enough about his ability to make you laugh and so stop making the test.

#13. He Will Keep Looking – Eye Contact Distribution:

Generally, people distribute eye contact equally among those they are talking to unless someone is found to be more interesting (and so he gets a bigger share of the eye contact).

When someone likes someone else he will want to keep looking at him all the time. This becomes very evident when a group of people sits together and the person looks at one of them most of the time.

 Sometimes a charismatic person can take the lights thus forcing your target to keep an eye on him. Just take this point into consideration in case you encounter such a situation.

The other thing to watch for is pupil dilation, does the person’s pupil change its size when he shifts his sight from other people to you? I know it might take some time before you can train yourself to notice this change but certainly, when you learn it you will get very accurate results.

#14. Looking Away When You Notice Him:

If someone likes you he will try to look at you most of the time. That’s why he will change his orientation and face you with his body even if he is not standing with you. Now, what do you think will happen if he discovers that you noticed him?

Most probably he will back off by shifting his sight away immediately to hide his intentions and he might even move away with his body to face another direction.

If you want to make sure whether someone is trying to keep his eyes on you or not then don’t let him notice that you are seeing him. Just leave him for pronged periods and you will easily be able to determine whether he wants to look at you or whether he was looking at your direction by coincidence.

Behavioral Changes

#15. Hormonal Changes (High Weight)

Emotions are nothing but chemical reactions and hormonal changes taking place inside the body. Attraction or love is nothing more than the feelings we get when serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine are produced inside our bodies in addition to some other chemicals.

When these chemicals are released into the body certain changes can be noticed on the person that reflects their presence. By learning how to spot these changes on someone you will be able to know if these hormones were released and so you will know whether he likes you or not.

Anxiety: The first feeling that someone would experience on the release of these chemicals is anxiety. The anxiety, in this case, is not similar to the one we experience when we are about to make a presentation because in this case, it’s mixed with excitement and happiness.

Anxiety is one of the earliest signs that someone experiences while talking to the person he likes and so it makes early detection of attraction much easier.

Contrary to common beliefs all people experience anxiety even confident ones because of the powerful effects of the hormones released, however, it happens with varying intensities.

 You can simply spot the state of anxiety by watching for these signs:

· Making speech mistakes while talking
· Becoming restless
· Clumsiness
· Sweating
· Excessive heartbeats & increased breathing rate (You can easily determine this by looking at the person's shoulder movement, if it started going up and down faster then the breathing rate increased)
· Jiggling his pocket’s contents

Hyperactivity: The anxiety might not last for the whole meeting especially if the person was confident. As soon as the anxiety fades away happiness remains which results in a state of hyperactivity. 

Under the effect of hyperactivity, the person becomes:

· very excited
· Jokes a lot
· restless
· very happy
· very energetic
· very motivated
· very optimistic
· more extroverted than he really is

You can easily notice the change in the state by noticing the previous mood changes.

In some cases, the person might remain anxious for the whole meeting and then become hyperactive as soon as the person he likes leaves provided that the conversation went well.

One of the things that used to let me know if a person likes someone in a few minutes is the great change in his mood from dormancy to hyperactivity right after the person he likes leaves.

You don’t have to do the task yourself of determining whether a person likes you or not, just meet with him with a friend of yours then leave a few minutes before your friend and let him tell you if he found any signs of hyperactivity right after you left.

#16. Identifying With The Person (Very High Weight)

“Sarah and I didn’t like the movie”
“We both hate chocolate cakes, that’s funny”
“We are the only people in here who like to walk in the rain”

What’s common between all of these phrases?

The common thing is that the person talking is always trying to associate himself with someone else. The term Identifying with a person means trying to find something common between you and him and then declaring it.

When someone likes someone else without having the chance to tell him that he likes him he will usually want to release some of these feelings by any means.

One of the very popular ways of releasing excessive feelings of attraction is identifying with the other person. When someone identifies with someone else and uses the word “We” it gives him a sense of oneness.

That is somehow similar to the feeling he experiences when he declares love.

As seen in the previous examples, you can identify with the person in his presence (examples 2 and 3) or even if he is not there (example 1).

If the person is shy enough to identify with the person he likes in his presence then he will do it right after the person leaves. Again having a close friend who leaves a few minutes after you can help you realize whether that person is identifying with you in your absence or not.

#17. Trick Him Into Believing That You Like Him

If someone likes you but is not sure of your emotions towards him then his thoughts will be swinging between fear of being rejected and hope.

The more fear controls the person the fewer signs he will reveal and the more he will try to avoid you while the more hope he feels the more signs he will reveal and the easier you will be able to know whether he likes you or not.

So, how can you use this information to know whether someone like you or not?

Simply all that you will have to do is to give the person extra hope so that you encourage him to show the signs without even telling him that you like him.

For example, suppose you were talking to that person about something. 

During that time he will have two conflicting thoughts, whether you want to stay with him more or whether you want to leave, if you keep opening new topics you will make him feel comfortable and he will start to have hope.

This hope will let him reveal more signs that show that he is interested in you.

Whenever the person reveals strong signs act as if nothing happened and keep showing that you are interested in him. As long as he remains obsessed with hope instead of fear he will keep revealing lots and lots of signs without sensing any danger.

#18. Giving You What They Never Give To Others

Each one of us has his own way of expressing his emotions and of showing interest simply because we have different personalities, and while there are universal signs that everyone does to show that he is interested in someone still there are some other signs that are specific to each person and that can help you know whether someone likes you or not.

The following are examples of behavioral changes that happen when some people like you:

Narcissists put down their egoNarcissists always follow their egos wherever they go. Try to tell a narcissist that he is incompetent and you will listen to all the words you never wished to listen to, However, when a narcissist likes someone he tends to put aside all of his ego defenses and you will find him treating you nicely.

Type A’s will waste their time: Type A’s can never waste their time on something that they regard as not useful. If the person you like is a type A (always in a hurry, always has hundreds of tasks to finish, and is always doing lots of things at the same time) then know that wasting 30 minutes of his time helping you with something means that you are very special to him.

Type A’s never give others their time unless they really like them. Now, what if a Type A stayed up all night working on your presentation for you??

Stubborn people let go of their defenses: Stubborn people will let go of their defenses and become less stubborn when they like someone. Instead of insisting on their own opinion, they will become way more flexible and they will hardly be stubborn.

If someone likes you and you know that he is stubborn try to find if there is any difference between the way he treats you and the way he treats everyone else.

By the way, stubbornness can be determined from facial features, a pointed chin, long front teeth, or the existence of both features together indicate that the person is stubborn.

Spending habits will change: The spending habits of the person who likes you will change instantly, he will take you to nicer and more expensive places and he will insist on paying every time even if this wasn’t the way he used to spend.


#19. Doing Difficult And Time-Consuming Tasks For You

On the off chance that a man likes you he won't waver to do tedious assignments for you regardless of whether he had limited time or regardless of whether the undertaking was troublesome for him.

Sometimes asking someone directly for help can result in letting him agree without needing to do it but if the person likes you he won’t even wait until you ask him but he will offer help as soon as he feels that you need it.

You can also ask the person for a favor and see how he reacts. If he hesitated or tried to find excuses not to do it then most probably he doesn’t like you but if he happily accepted the task then this means that there is a big possibility that he likes you.

#20. Never Become Bored

If someone likes you he will never become bored and he will never try to leave unless he really has to. On the other hand, if the person didn’t like you he might start becoming bored if you were sitting together for a long period.

The person who likes you will always find an excuse to stay longer while the person who doesn’t like you will always find an excuse to leave.

One of the signs that always helped me to discover that a person is attracted to someone else is the desire to stay more. Some people who usually leave at certain times stay late and then leave after their target leaves.

Some people who should leave because the party is over, for example, try to find any excuse to stay longer. The one thing that usually makes this sign clearer is that this person leaves shortly after the one he likes leaves.

The same thing can happen online. Some people don’t stay online often but as soon as the person they like logs in they change their behavior. They remain online as long as this person is online.

They also change their schedule so that they come online at the times their targets are online.

#21. Doing His Best To Impress You

If a person who doesn’t like you is talking to you he won’t care that much about showing you how good he is and he might even be afraid to show you his positive traits not to let you become attached to him.

On the other hand, if the person likes you he will do his best to impress you and to show you that he is worthy of being loved. He will keep talking about his achievements, his good qualities and if he is intelligent enough he will tell you that lots of people like him.

Generally, when we like a person we will want to show him our best to make sure that we will impress him.

Most people dislike showy people but the truth is that showy people only show off in front of the ones they care about the most.

People who show off in front of you, in fact, want your approval, and if someone always shows off around you then know for sure that he cares about your approval so much.

Generally, we can say that the person will bypass the norms Since I can’t list all the examples in the world I can summarize all the points into one thing which is that the person will go beyond his normal behavior and will change many of the habits he is used to.

What makes the change in habits very predictable is that it only happens with you and not with anyone else. Noticing how he treats other people of the same sex will surely give you an indication of the different levels of treatment you are getting.

As soon as you find someone changing his normal habits when dealing with you then know that there is something beyond the scenes happening.

#22. Looking For Any Excuse To Talk About You (Very High Weight)

When someone likes someone else he usually tries to talk about him all the time but since he doesn’t want to draw attention to him, especially in the early stages he will keep finding excuses to talk about him.

Even if the reason to bring the subject was to make fun of the person he likes still it might be a very strong indication that he likes him. He just makes fun of that person to disguise his real emotions but the truth is that he wants to talk about him all the time but can’t find the right subject.

Just send one of your friends and let him stay with that person for the longest possible period and then let him notice how many times he shifted the direction of the conversation to talk about you directly or indirectly. If he kept asking about you or mentioning your name even by making fun of you then surely there is a great possibility that he likes you.

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There is one point that can help you know whether someone is making fun of someone else in his absence because he likes him or whether he is doing it just to make fun of him.

Watch out for the person’s emotions while talking about the absent one. If the person likes the one he is talking about you will find him extremely happy and excited while making fun of him.

That friend of mine was introverted but whenever he made fun of that girl in her absence he became extremely excited and extroverted as long as he was talking about her.

#23. You Are Interesting = You Are Attractive

Have you ever spent some time with someone and then found that he is really interesting? When we spend time with someone new to us we experience new emotions. If these emotions were positive we would say that we liked staying with that person and vice versa.

So actually we don’t love or hate the person but we love or hate the emotions that we experience while being with him.

When someone says I hate driving it doesn’t mean that he hates cars but it might mean that he hates the stress associated with being surrounded by angry drivers or the boredom of staying in front of the steering wheel for hours.

So an interesting person is a person who will make us experience good emotions while we are sitting with him. Out of each one hundred times, the interesting word is used 99 of them mean that the person is attractive.

When you sit with someone physically attractive certain hormones will flow into your body making you experience feelings of happiness even if that person weren’t talking at all.

Have you ever described someone as interesting even though he didn’t say anything significant that day?

These hormones that flow in your body give you pleasant feelings that you then associate with the person and end up saying that he is an interesting person.

If someone said that you are interesting then this means that you have a very big chance of making him fall in love with you. Actually, if physical attraction is present then your chance of making that person fall in love with you is almost guaranteed.

#24. You Are The Only One Who Knows This

One of the very effective signs for knowing whether someone likes you or not is searching for the expression "You are the special case who knows this" or "Nobody knows this aside from my mother and you"

When someone tells you a secret and then tells you that you are one of the few people who know it then it only means one thing, that this person is trying to tell you that you are really special to the extent that you are one of the few people who know his deep secrets.

Whenever somebody lets you know "You are the special case who knows this" put a possibility at the top of the priority list that he enjoys you and on the off chance that you discovered a couple of different signs at that point know that he loves you.

The other very famous phrase that I always hear from people who like me is “I feel very comfortable talking to you” or “I feel comfortable the most when I tell you about my problems.

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#25. Yawning!!

There are lots of reasons that could make someone yawn and while the real reasons for yawning are still unknown observations have proven that yawning happens when:

· You want to sleep
· When you are receiving too much information
· When you are bored
· When you are not interested in the topic
· When you think that you can do something more interesting than what you are doing now

Yawning is not a good sign at all however it doesn’t always mean that the person is not interested in you but it can mean that he doesn’t like the topic you are currently talking about.

Yawning can also mean that the person is not bored but he has other more important things to do other than listening to you.

For example, if someone likes someone else and then meets you while he is on his way to meet him then he might yawn if you keep talking for a long period. On the off chance that the individual you like continued yawning once in a while (and he did it in over one day) at that point know beyond any doubt that he doesn't like you.

#26. Rapport is Automatically Established

Have you ever noticed that close friends unconsciously mirror the moves of each other? It was found that people who are familiar with each other and who have known each other for a long period automatically mirror each other most of the time.

NLP has a technique which is called rapport establishment that can help you create a perceived familiarity with a stranger on his unconscious level by just mirroring his moves. (What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming -NLP- and Why to Learn It)

It was also found that rapport happens the other way around when you become interested in someone you will unconsciously establish rapport with him without noticing by:

· Mirroring his body language
· Laughing in the same way he does
· Using the same words he uses
· Using the same tone of voice

If you find that someone is automatically establishing rapport with you even if you barely know him then know that he is either feeling very comfortable being around you or that, he likes you.

important: Again notice that this happens on the unconscious mind and so the person is never aware that he is mirroring you on intention.

#27. Preferred Clothes and Preferred Colors Repeat Themselves

When someone likes you he will want to appear in the best shape in front of you. This person will think that he will appear in his best shape when he wears his best clothes and that’s why he will keep wearing them whenever you are around.

Just ask that person about his favorite colors or favorite clothes and notice if he will wear them when you are around. The other thing that can reveal whether he is attempting to give you a chance to like him or not is that he will wear his best garments if he trusts that he may see you by coincidence.

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For example, if a friend of yours told him that you are going tomorrow to the same place he is going to then most probably he will wear his best clothes.

Even a false alarm will let that person do his best to appear in better shape in front of you, actually, you can use false alarms on intention and send close friends to notice the changes for you they report it back.

#28. Meeting you By Coincidence: (High Weight)

This is one of the very powerful signs that can indicate whether someone likes you or not. When someone likes you he will do his best to see you and so he will try to predict the places you go to and then follow you there.

When you start meeting the same person by coincidence many times, especially after giving him hints about your possible hangouts then know that he might be in love with you.

The other test you can take to further make sure that he likes you is telling him that you will be in a certain place and be seen whether he will appear there or not, even if you didn’t go for any reason you can let someone check for you and tell you whether he went there or not.

Sometimes the person might not want to show that he likes you so he might not go to the same place but he will never be able to resist the urge to go to the places you go to if he hasn’t seen you for a long time.

Try not to be available for a few days then tell him about your direction one day and see whether he will appear there or not. Of course, you must choose public places so that he has enough courage to show up without fearing to reveal that he came for you.

#29. Conversations Take Longer Than Expected

If someone likes you he will do his best to spend as much time as he can with you. He will try to extend the conversation as much as he can by opening new topics whenever a topic is closed.

A very good way to test this is to help him by opening new topics and then waiting for him to talk if you find that whenever a new topic is opened he keeps talking without wanting to leave then know that he might be interested in you.

If the person who likes you finds enough topics to talk about he will stay for the longest possible time provided that you don’t scare him by showing signs of boredom or lack of interest.

How many times does he use your name?

The person who likes you will most probably call you by your name more often than other people. When someone likes someone else then calling him by name gives him pleasant feelings.

And if for some reason he didn’t do it, because of being shy for example, then most probably he will keep talking about you for the rest of the day after you leave.

Watch for the number of times a person calls you by your name and compare it to the number of times he calls others by name. Usually, a person who likes you will call out your name more often.

You will get lots of compliments on your looks

If someone likes you he will usually compliment you a lot and since love in most cases is based on physical attraction the compliments will most of the time involve the way you look.

Normally, someone tells you that you are looking good but if someone is overdoing it then know that he really likes your looks which is one of the basic essential ingredients for falling in love with someone else.

Compliments will also extend to include lots of other fields and the person will seem to be more encouraging than anyone else.

His friends will know who you are

If someone likes you he will definitely tell his friends about you and they will know all the details he knows about you before meeting you.

On the first meeting with them, you can without much of a stretch decide if those individuals definitely think about you or whether they are simply getting acquainted with you.

If they were told about you then most probably they would not ask more questions because they already know it all, they wouldn’t argue with you because they have already argued about everything you did and one of them might even make a mistake that reveals that he/she had received some information about you earlier.

#30. Becoming Interested in Your Hobbies (High Weight)

When someone likes you he will suddenly start to become interested in all of your hobbies.

 If you tell him that you like drawing he will say that it’s a wonderful idea to draw and that you should teach him how to draw one day if you tell him that you are learning another language he will tell you that he should have done that long time ago and so on.

In short, if you told him that you are doing anything he will become interested in it and he will want to join.

Becoming interested in all of your hobbies and trying to be around you all the time is one of the strong signs that show whether someone is interested in you or not.

#31. When is our next meeting?

One of the important points the person who likes you will have in mind is the time and date of the next meeting. If you didn’t mention anything about this then most probably he will come out with something to see you once again such as offering to help you with your studies.

During your conversation with your target, you don’t have to give strong signs to show that you are interested in him but you just need to be encouraging and he will do the rest.

The person who likes you will always come up with excuses to meet you again soon especially if you don’t work or study together in the same place.

#32. Finding You Nicknames (High Weight)

The person who likes you will usually try to find you a nickname to call you with few days after he knows you.

So if anybody called you with a lovely nickname does it mean that he likes you?
No, but it means that this person is highly interested in you and again this interest is the main ingredient that is required for love to happen.

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Common Signs That Are Correct

Even though most of the websites copy the signs from each other without testing their validity still there are some common signs that they talk about that are correct and that can be used to know whether someone is interested in you or not.

To help you avoid using the incorrect signs, I have picked the ones that are correct from the common signs and listed them here.

#33. Remembering All The Small Details That You Mention:

If you mention the date of your birthday then the person who likes you will remember it well. Now if the same topic was opened a few days later you will find that the person remembers the exact date you mentioned.

The same goes for remembering your hobbies, your favorite color, food, the things that you like, and the things that you hate.

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If someone likes you he will give very high importance to all the information he can get from you and the result will be remembering all of these small details perfectly.

#34. Never Says No

The person who likes you will hardly say no if you ask him about a certain favor and he will always use such favors as a way to prove to you that he is a good and helping person.

You will never hear the “I am busy that day” excuse or “I will be tired after that long work day” but instead all of the difficult and time-consuming tasks will be accepted without question.

One of the good tricks you can do to know whether someone likes you or not is to send a friend of yours to ask for a time-consuming favor on a busy day and when the person refuses you can go and ask for a similar favor a few hours later if the person agreed then there is a big possibility that he likes you.
VIP TIP: Beware of people who know how to attract others. Some people are already aware that confusing a person is the best way to make him think about them more often. People who know such facts might become distant on intention and might do the opposite of what I just said just to confuse you even more.

#35. Cancellations (High weight)

If someone likes he will give the highest priority to the hangouts where he can see you, especially in the early stages where there is a little chance to see you.
This person will always cancel his plans and delay his appointments to be with you.

Even though this sign seems pretty logical it's one of the strongest indications that someone is doing his best to be with you.

#36. Calling For Silly Reasons(Very high weight)

Try to be absent for a few days or not come in contact with that person who likes you and he will find any excuse to call you even if it is a silly one.

One of the ways that can help you make sure if that person was calling for that reason or if he was calling just to check on you is not replying with closed-end answers but rather encouraging him to talk if the phone call took longer than expected and if he kept opening other subjects then know for sure that he wasn’t calling you because of that silly reason.

The person who likes you will also try to find any excuse to see you if you are absent for a few days. Suddenly he will become interested in what you do, in studying with you or in helping you with your work.

#37. Lifting The Eyebrows

When someone likes someone else he might lift his brows the moment he sees him for the first time. The person will only do this gesture if he is impressed by what he saw.

This is a micro gesture and it only lasts for a second or even less but a well-trained eye can easily notice it. Try it on yourself first and when you become trained to notice it start noticing it on others.

Of course, if more than one sign appeared together then that would be a strong indication that the person likes you, for example, if the eyebrows were lifted, he took the positive evaluation gesture and he stood close to you then the possibility that he likes you will be much higher.

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#38. He Will Notice Slight Changes to Your Appearance

If someone likes you he will become obsessed with your physical appearance in such a way that he will notice any slight changes that happen to you (like a new haircut for example).

People who see you every once in a while can easily find the differences in your looks but those who see you on a regular basis can easily miss the small changes that happen. If someone likes you he will be paying extra attention to these details and he will notice the slightest changes easily.

#39. Asking More Questions (High Weight)

While this seems like a simple sign still one of the most accurate signs out there that can help you know whether someone is interested in you or not.

If someone is interested in you then certainly he will keep asking you questions to know more about you.

Questions such as “What do you do for a living” when accompanied by the body language state of interest (tilted head) while listening to the answer can be a very powerful combo that shows deep interest.

Of course, any person can ask you questions like that one but only those who are interested in the answer are the ones who care about you. Some people ask these questions as a part of the casual conversation that takes place when you meet them; those aren’t the people you are looking for.

#40. Minding Your Own Business

• “You know what, you will look way better if your hair was curly”
• “This shirt will definitely look great on you”
• “Why don’t you try wearing brighter colors, they will make you look better”

These suggestions are coming from someone who wants to see you in better shape. When someone likes someone else he will start to mind the person’s business in addition to his own.

Usually, this begins in the form of advice about the way you look then it could extend to include other areas like work and studies.

Normal friends can give such recommendations but people who like you won’t only recommend such changes but will do their best to help you follow them.

For example, it’s not uncommon for a girl who likes you to tell you that tomorrow you should go out together to pick up new clothes for you.

#41. Interested in All What You Do

If someone likes you he will become interested in everything that you do. As I said before the state of interest in non-verbal signs can be determined by a titled head, excitement, proper orientation, and proper eye contact.

If the person appeared to be interested in all the activities that you do then he might be interested in you. If a person doesn’t like you then he will show interest in certain activities and show a lack of interest in other ones that don’t interest him.

Again the state of interest will happen on the unconscious level, which means that the person won’t be faking interest in your hobbies but he will actually become interested in everything that you do.


The dance of meeting, courting, and love all revolve around body language. You can attract a certain person using the right gestures and body movements. You can show what you want to show them about your feelings if you have body language skills.

Every aspect of life is filled with expressions of body language by you and those around you. It’s important to understand both the world and the feelings you are displaying towards it.

Have you ever noticed when someone says they are “Fine” but you have this feeling that they are lying?

The reason you get that feeling is that their body language is telling you something different from their mouth…