How To Attract Men's Attention

How To Attract Men's Attention

Do you want to know How To Attract men's Attention? Do you understand what men are really looking for in relationships? Do you wish men were easier to figure out? Do you feel like you always get things wrong when it comes to men and relationships? Plenty of women have no clue as to what works with men. They try a thing or two and accept their fate.

If you don't want that to happen to you, pay close attention here. You can gain control of your relationships with men and take it where you want it to. But you must be willing to learn that men think differently than women and You must have patience and perseverance to learn what works with a man and use them before you can expect any results.

Ps. Men don’t want a perfect princess! They want a wonderful, warm, flawed human being. Your flaws make you real. Your flaws allow men to be real and imperfect, too. And if you find that men are judging you, perhaps it’s because you are judging yourself.

What Attracts Men To Women

Meeting the man you believe you are destined to be with is a life-changing experience for any woman. Unfortunately, the man of your desire may not be as head over heels for you. Understanding how to appeal to the man you want is the key to establishing a long-lasting, passion-filled, deep connection with him.

Obviously, all men are unique in their own way, and you need to learn how to appeal to your guy in a way that will make you utterly irresistible to him. Learning what attracts the man ensures that you'll get the chance at a happy ever after with the man of your dreams.

The 8 Main Criteria That The Majority Of Men Seeks In Women:

#8. Don't Become a Servant To Attract Men's Attention.

Women are taught very young that if they let men go too far, they will be labeled with a bad reputation. They are cautioned that it is better for men to respect them, instead, because respectful girls are the kind that men choose to marry.

Having a man's respect is important. It adds value to the relationship and to your own self-respect, as well.

There are a lot of women out there who are trying to learn how to attract men without losing their self-respect. The truth is, it is easier said than done. If you're young, this tends to happen a bit more frequently. In reality, the only way to really attract men is to do it with self-respect.

A man is actually unable to love a woman who doesn't respect herself. As crazy as it sounds, this is true. If you respect yourself, your chances of finding someone who loves you skyrocket. I'm going to talk about why below. I'll also share some tips on how to respect yourself more if you find that you don't currently do it much.

♦ Love A Servant?

Is it possible to love a servant? A servant serves you and makes sure that you are happy. Since they're always serving you, it's not that easy to find out what they want, since it's their job to help you get what you want.

If you want to work hard to find a man who is right for you, you have to make sure that you don't go out and become a servant to him. Don't try to impress him. He has to try and impress you and find out what you like.

♦ Guys Are Servants?

Does this mean that all men are essentially servants to women? Yes and no. I studied relationship psychology and basically, men do have to be the ones who serve women since this is what men have been doing since the dawn of time.

Having said that, in this modern-day and age, a woman who can serve a man in return makes out for a stronger relationship. It has to work both ways if the relationship is to work out in the long run.

♦ If You Want To Attract Men's Attention "Say No".

If you want to respect yourself more, say no and mean it. Don't be afraid of turning someone down or making someone work harder for your love. It's not about being bossy, it's about drawing the line and making sure you reject them.

For example, if you're trying to get the attention of a man and you've finally made a breakthrough, if he gives you time, say "no". This will basically make him think that you're harder to get than you seem, making him want to try and get your attention more.

♦ Self Control

Have you ever seen someone totally out of control, whether due to anger, alcohol, drugs, or emotions? It isn't pretty, is it? No, and men don't think so, either. Have enough self-control to handle yourself and life's lessons.

 It is okay to drink, but not too much. It is okay to be hurt or angry but deal with it maturely.

Ps. You Can't Attract Men's Attention If You Don't Respect Yourself.

His Secret Obsession

#7. To Attract a Man's Attention You Have To Realize That You Are Gorgeous The Way You Are.

One of the biggest things that stop women from finding guys is their weight. A lot of women try losing weight but they don't have the motivation to do it, or they have tried and have lost some weight, but they keep putting it back on.

It's not impossible to attract men if you are overweight. It does take some drastic changes in your mindset, but a lot of women who could be considered overweight have found men that they love who also love them equally in return.


It's simply about using your weight to your advantage, not seeing it as something that holds you back. Here's how I advised some of my overweight female friends as to how they could go about finding a man for them.

Flaunt It!

A lot of women want to try and hide their weight or to make it seem like less of a problem. The more you try and hide it, the more of a problem it is. It's far better to use your weight to your advantage and show people that you're not letting it change who you are as a person.

A lot of women are extremely curvy and they wouldn't have these curves if they weren't a little overweight. A lot of women would kill to have curves as a voluptuous woman has. Think about all your skinny sisters out there and feel for them!

Dress To Impress

Like I mentioned earlier, if you see your weight as something that holds you back, you're always going to feel like you're fat. If you find clothes to fit you and show off the curves that your weight gives you, you are going to look fabulously sexy.

Here's a secret I shouldn't be telling you: a lot of guys like women who have a bit extra because it means that they're not so self-conscious and let their personality and confidence speak for themselves. If you try hard to be skinny, you could be worse than an overweight woman in terms of self-esteem.


Don't Kick Yourself

It all starts in your head. If you wake up every morning and tell yourself how much you hate your weight, I hate to break it to you, but you're going to die all alone. You can't let it get to you.

Be positive. You have to realize that you have a lot to give and you have been blessed with some curves that some women are never going to have.

If you want to learn how to attract men's attention while being a bit bigger than other women. You have to realize that you are gorgeous the way you are. Once you can see that, so will the other hundreds of guys out there.

#6. Attract men's Attention By Visual Stimulation

Men are more visually stimulated than women. This is the most common generalization, especially when considering the multi-billion dollar business of pornography. Men are most likely to browse images of beautiful women posing provocatively on the camera. 

But sexual aspect aside, men do tend to be more attracted to physically appealing women and this fact has research to back it up.

Ps. Let me correct one impression women have about men that is as wrong as it gets: Men may appreciate the beauty in a woman. But nothing says that every man wants to end up with a woman whose only fine point is physical beauty. Let's give men some credit here. They want better than that.

And rightly so too.

I am not saying that being beautiful is a bad thing. Far from it. But good looks alone do not make a woman pleasant and attractive. If you are beautiful without a good attitude, self-respect, confidence, humility, and so on, then I am afraid that you may drive men away from you rather than attract men.

Visual Stimulation

Men are more likely to be attracted to beautiful women studies shows The fact that men are more visually stimulated than women, is, in fact, true according to some studies.

An August 2013 study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology which shows how men and women differ in choosing partners in a real-life context. For instance, the study showed that men are most likely to choose a woman that they find at least moderately physically attractive.

Making Yourself Visually Appealing

To attract men's attention, Make yourself visually appealing but be careful. Some women tend to have a false perception when they refer to visually attractive men. They think that showing up on their date in a sexy dress and revealing a bit of skin will get his blood running and finally steal his heart.

This approach is not only distasteful but can also yield heartbreaking results. The man can get attracted to you alright, but you will be firing up all the wrong senses in his body. The relationship is bound to turn into a sexual one rather than something more meaningful and lasting. 

What you want is for your man to fall in love with you and not lust over you, and this means changing your perception of what is sexy.


Creating a visual image of yourself for your man For your man to paint the perfect mental image of you in his mind, you have to give him something worth remembering. Take note that men tend to have better memories compared to women for things associated with visual cues. So what kind of image of yourself do you need to present to him?

The answer is simple – the graceful silhouette of a woman.

Think Marilyn Monroe or Jessica Rabbit - sexy right? But hold that thought, because you don’t have to dress up as sexy as they do. What you need to copy is the way they move, arch their back, bat their eyelash and stride in confidence. You need to act and move gracefully, even if you’re just wearing you're old washed up jeans and a loose shirt.


You don’t need to have perfect vital statistics to catch your man’s attention. You only need to act and move like a truly confident and sexy woman. Of course, a nice dress and high heeled shoes would help a lot too.

Therefore, here are a few pointers on how you can make your silhouette more visually appealing:

♦ To attract men's attention you must maintain a good posture. Don’t slouch when sitting down and keep your back slightly arched without overdoing it. Not only will your spine thank you for the proper posture but it will make you look more confident in his eyes.

♦ To attract men's attention you must wear properly fitting clothes. Don’t wear a size 8 if you are a size 6. Even the smallest difference in size can make a difference in how the clothing lays on your body. Properly fitting clothes will naturally enhance the curves of your body.

♦ To attract men's attention you must wear comfortable shoes. There’s nothing more awkward than going out on a date and walking like a cripple just because your new shoes have given you blisters. The way you walk can highly contribute to the sexy womanly silhouette you are trying to create. So choose your shoes properly. You don’t have to force yourself to wear your high heels if you think your feet will give in after an hour of walking.

♦ Wear perfume to attract men's attention. Men are so attracted to a woman when she's wearing perfume. According to researchers, "Pleasant scents can actually arouse that part of the brain which is directly connected to the sexual desire." Your scent can play a strong role in capturing the attention of your desired man within a few seconds. It can create instant-attraction. Perfumes not only boost your overall attractiveness but also give you new sexual confidence.

♦ To attract men's attention you don’t have to wear skinny jeans or a clingy tube dress all the time to create a sexy silhouette. If you think you lack the curves and the gracefulness of a woman, then try wearing a simple flowing dress to create that illusion. There’s always something about a casual flowing dress that will make any woman feel and act like a princess. The natural flow of the dress every time you move will in itself create the graceful silhouette of a woman.

♦ To attract men's attention you must have a Natural Look. Men Prefer the "Natural Look" Less is more, at least when it comes to makeup. Most men I've interviewed are turned off by women who wear gobs of makeup. They feel as if these women must be hiding something about themselves or must feel terribly insecure.

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♦ Get your nails cleaned and put color in your nails to attract men's attention. Perfectly polished nails will help you feel more womanly. The color of your nails will also attract his eyes every time you wave your hands gracefully.

♦ Although is it normal to put on your best clothes when going out on a date, make sure he sees you in your regular clothes on your succeeding dates too. You don’t have to wear a dress all the time. 

You can also wear your best-fitting jeans or your favorite shorts and boots. This will help him get to know you more and make every date more exciting, seeing you in different types of clothes.

If he likes you, it doesn’t really matter what clothes you wear, you simply need to excite him by creating a confident, graceful, and womanly silhouette of you (using your weight to your advantage) that he can paint in his mind every time he remembers you.

#5. Use Eye Contact, Smile, and Be Funny To Attract Men's Attention

This is a universal sign of attraction. Everyone knows about it. The combination of eye contact & smile is always responsible for creating attraction, lust, and sexual desire. In other words, this combination is a powerful aphrodisiac, and you can't underestimate its healthy effectiveness.

Tip: Just open your eyes 75% and look directly into his eyes for at least 20 seconds with a slight grin. This move is highly intimidating. He'll experience hard attraction for you, and literally, get sexual on the spot. 

Your strong eye contact demonstrates your power, and your grin raises the level of attraction.
When I ask a man what drew him to the woman he is with presently, he will almost inevitably say: "Her smile." Why is smiling so important, especially to a man?

Because it indicates acceptance. Although the tradition is changing, it's often customary for the man to make the first move in a relationship, and when that move is greeted with a warm smile, the tension and anxiety he has been experiencing simply melt away. 

A smile is, in essence, the green light that lets the man know he can approach a woman with confidence and hope.

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According to studies, while women smiled 93 percent of the time when they were around men, their smiles were reciprocated by men only 67 percent of the time. this may indicate that men may not be focusing on the women or paying attention to them, or the men may be feeling a bit self-conscious or awkward smiling back.

Be Funny Women To Attract Men's Attention

That's right, funny women are incredibly attractive. If a guy can joke around with a woman without hurting her feelings, he loves it. It's also incredibly cool when your girl can bust a joke that will make you and your buddies laugh, especially a zinger at someone's expense. If a girl can be feminine but also hang with the guys and also add a little comedy, that's a killer combination.

Touch His Arm When You Laugh
A soft intimate touch always causes our body to release a powerful sex hormone called 'Oxytocin'. This hormone is also known as the "Hormone of Love". It builds instant attraction and compels a man to earn your attention more & more, again & again.

Tip: Let your fingers touch his arm when you laugh. Make it a casual, soft touch. Soft casual touching conveys that you are friendly, confident, and playful. And, that's what men love.

#4. Be Hard And Choosy To Get To Attract Men's Attention.

 Ignoring him will make him curious, Yes, ignoring him will make him interested because he is bound to feel slighted because you are giving him a cold shoulder but be careful Ignoring him is fine - as long as you know when to stop! As men want the unattainable and unavailable - make sure you are both! He will do everything he can to attract you instead.

Pay more attention to other guys. If you give him the cold shoulder and give his friends and other guys more attention, it will make him a little jealous and he is going to wonder what he is missing! This sort of behavior will make him try to attract you by being more attentive to you. do it smartly.

Ignoring him will grab his attention. The fact that all the other women are vying for his attention and are doing their best to make him notice them will make you stand out as someone totally different because you are ignoring him completely. This will make him, in turn, ignore his fan following and chase you!

It will prove to him that you are choosy. The very fact that you are not easy to get and are being difficult to land, will intrigue him. Men love a good chase and they instantly admire a woman who does not give men her favors easily. It proves that she is classy, choosy, and someone who knows her mind. This will make him more interested in you.

He will want to know why you are ignoring him. At first, he is not going to believe that you want nothing to do with him and this will hurt. Soon he will want to know why you are giving him a hard time. This will build up his interest in you and he will try to get on your good side. In other words, he will start to pursue you.

I repeat it. Be careful you could do the wrong thing and let it backfire on you! Ignoring him is fine - as long as you know when to stop! Timing is of the essence here and as long as you know when to relent and start acknowledging his interest it will work. If you ignore him a little too much he might walk away and never look back!

#3. To Attract Men's Attention You Need To Feed Them Delicious Dishes.

This is a no-brainer. Every guy’s weakness is a fantastic meal. They love the women in their lives who know how to feed them delicious dishes. They love their mom’s dishes cooked with love and men feel proud of their wives who can whip them up mouth-watering dinners.

The Way To a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach.

But let’s face it, not all girls can do magic in the kitchen, so what’s a girl to do? According to a study conducted at the University of Illinois, men prefer to eat warm, hearty and meaty comfort foods such as steak, soups, and casseroles.

When a man’s taste buds are satisfied and their belly is full, it makes them feel happy. When you cook him great food, it gives him a preview of what life with you would be like during meal times. It also sends him a signal that he is special because of your effort to cook his favorite dish.

For Girls Who Love To Cook

It is not that easy to cook for a guy you are trying to impress. Your specialty dish may not be the kind of food that he likes. Maybe he loves beef stew but your specialty is pasta and you have never tried cooking beef stew your entire life.

Don’t push his favorite dish if you think your cooking skills won’t be able to achieve the kind of cooking that he likes. Concentrate on what you can cook best. There will be other alternative dishes that you can try that he is sure to like.

You can also try to do barbecue dishes. There’s probably no man on earth who doesn’t love grilled food. Later on, when you have already impressed him with your cooking skills, you can try making his favorite beef stew as a surprise treat. He will surely appreciate all the effort you made to whip up his favorite dish.

His secret obsession

For Girls Who Can’t Cook

You don’t need to feel inferior if you can’t whip him up a good meal. Make up for it by bringing him to the best restaurants on your list. You may not know how to cook but you sure know where to go to get fantastic tasting meals. Bring him along to discover the newest restaurants in town. And don’t just bring him to the fancy ones.

Don’t be afraid to drag him along even to that hole-in-the-wall place that serves amazingly large portions of greasy but fantastic-tasting food. He will not only marvel at how cheap the food was but how delicious it is too. Who knows, he just might marvel at you too for knowing all these wonderful

When you feel you have exhausted all your checklist of wonderful eating places, then do something that he would never expect in a million years – cook him a good meal. There are a lot of easy recipes on the internet that you can’t go wrong with and will also impress him. Most importantly, he will surely be touched by your effort to prepare him a special meal, knowing that cooking is not really your area of specialization.

#2. Be Mysterious To Attract Men's Attention.

There is something inherently sexy about someone mysterious. Being mysterious isn't something you do, though. It's something you have to be. Mysterious people give off mysterious vibes. They simply talk differently, act differently but most of all, seem to hold back a part of themselves that they don't feel so comfortable sharing with other people. This is usually what makes men go crazy for mysterious girls. Here's how to be more mysterious.

Be Alone, Not Lonely

A lot of people can't achieve that mysterious vibe simply because they're not comfortable being alone by themselves. They feel comfortable with a lot of people around them and they always need company.

People who are mysterious and deep are comfortable being alone sometimes. In fact, they need to be alone once in a while to get more in touch with themselves. Do you think you could spend time alone and be happy?

Alter Ego

This is one of the other things that you want to have if you want to be mysterious and have people admire you from afar. I know it sounds sort of weird since it's usually the other way around, but I used to like girls who were musicians.

There would be a lot of girls who I used to admire back in school since they had this alter ego where they would simply forget about themselves and play music. It was extremely beautiful and made me feel attracted to them.

What Are You Hiding?

This is ultimately the most important thing to do if you want to give off a mysterious vibe. When people ask you questions, try to deliberately hold back information and not give it to them. You don't have to just because they asked.

Throw some questions back at them and make it seem like you don't want to talk about certain things. This will make you seem like you are harder to crack. Men tend to like women who challenge them too.

Remember, it's something you are, not something you do. You might have to change your lifestyle or habits a bit to be truly mysterious

#1. Be Spontaneous To Attract Men's Attention.

Spontaneity or randomness is an important ingredient to any happy relationship, regardless of what stage it is in. If you want to learn how to attract men and you're not learning how to be spontaneous, you're not going to find a man who's going to stick around for long. It's something that keeps things fresh and fun.

If you can be spontaneous, it keeps men guessing and will make you more mysterious and attractive as well. You don't have to do crazy things that are out of character. Simply keeping people on their toes will make you more naturally attractive.

Little Thank You's

These are other little ways to show that you can be spontaneous. In this case, it works a lot better if you want to get closer to a particular man in your life. If you leave a little thank you for something, it will show him that you appreciate him.

It's the perfect way to surprise us. Us guys don't like all that mushy stuff so leaving a discreet note is more than enough to give us a little, warm surprise that will brighten up our day.

Here One Moment, Gone The Next

If you want to really keep your man thinking about you and wondering where you are all the time, you have to be spontaneously here one moment and then gone the next. It will make us think that you're busy and that we have to compete for your attention.

This is an important principle to keep in mind; us guys won't feel as attracted to someone who's always there. If you're hard to get a hold of, that makes us want you more.

If you want to learn how to attract men's attention, you have to get better at being spontaneous. If you do so, your chances of finding a man that are into you will explode straight up.

 Ultimately you just have to be yourself. I can't tell you to be confident, because some guys like shy girls. If you are naturally shy, admit it. Don't try to be confident because anyone will be able to tell that you're forcing yourself to do something you don't like doing. Ironically, by being totally comfortable in your own skin, you start to give off "true" confidence.

Not a confident personality, but confidence that you know who you are and love who you are, being comfortable knowing who you are and accepting that is universally the sexiest personality. Don't run away from who you are naturally and you will find that men will be mysteriously drawn to you. You find the way you are and as soon as you recognize that, the more time you can spend on putting the spotlight on what makes you uniquely you.


If you want to attract the man you want it is very important to understand the psychology of men because Studies have demonstrated that men and women process thoughts and communicate differently, then you really need to watch the video below.

attract men
attract men