How To Make Your Ex Miss You

How To Make Your Ex Miss You

 Breakups are hard, especially if you've been dumped. But one thing you might not realize is that your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is going through almost exactly the same types of feelings you currently are. Emotional bonds don't dissolve overnight, and feelings take time to fade away. By using this to your advantage, you can get your ex to want you back even when circumstances might seem borderline hopeless.

There are four main phases a person goes through when a relationship ends. You already know how you feel, so it's time to examine how your ex-feels in order to determine your best approach toward getting them back.

Stage 1 - Detachment

  Remember when your ex-sat you down to break up with you? Although this may have been a shock to you, your ex spent a lot of time making this decision days or even weeks beforehand. He or she knew what was coming, and unlike you, they were already prepared for it.

In short, your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend began detaching themselves from your relationship way before you had the chance to do the same.
This gave your ex an emotional advantage while dealing with you during the breakup. Your ex-knew what you would say, how you would react, and what types of protest you might offer to keep them around.

Your boyfriend or girlfriend was prepared to counter your every move or plea, and they had an escape route planned. They'd detached long before you did, and this immediately put you in a position of weakness.

So what can you do during the detachment stage that will help get your ex back? Essentially, you need to emotionally distance yourself as well. The quicker you can accept the breakup rather than fight it - the faster you can agree with your ex's decision to end things - the easier it will be to move onto the next stage of reconciliation.

Many people get stuck here because they refuse to detach, and they think that by clinging onto the relationship as tightly as possible they can keep their boyfriend or girlfriend from breaking up with them. Not so.

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Stage 2 - Avoidance

Is your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend ignoring you? Don't take this as a sign of disinterest. It's very common for an ex to go out of their way to steer clear of seeing or hearing from you, especially if they were the one who initiated the breakup.

Your ex probably feels weird or awkward around you right now and doesn't know how to handle contact of any kind.

The avoidance stage is definitely not the time to press onward. You can't force your ex to see you, and you can't guilt them into wanting to talk to you again. 

No matter how badly you might want to see your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend right now, you need such a reunion to happen under your own terms. Setting up such an encounter before your ex is ready to see you will only lead to further avoidance and resentment.

Stage 3 - Longing

 After being apart for a while, your ex will start thinking about you again. This is a natural reaction to being away from someone they shared such an intimate connection with, and both you and your ex will feel a certain desire to be together again - even temporarily.

Getting your ex to want you back is all about making them miss you. You need your ex to think about your past relationship, and ideally, this needs to happen of their own accord.

As time goes on your ex will tend to remember the good times you shared together, and the cool things you did as a couple. These are the memories that will put your relationship back together, and eventually get your ex to see a future with you again.

The worst thing you can do during this stage of the breakup is trying to "be there" for your ex. Sticking around and being friendly with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is only going to reduce their desire to see you.

It's always better to stay far removed from your ex's current situation, as this will create a void in their life where you used to be. If you're always in plain sight, your ex never gets the chance to miss you.

Stage 4 - Regret

Left unchecked, your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend will eventually reach a point where they regret being without you. These might be temporary feelings, brought about on a lonely night or a moment of weakness... or they might be a lot more substantial.

There are certain signs and signals given off when your ex is reconsidering a relationship with you again, and for the best chance at reconciliation, you need to know what these are.

get your ex back

Regret might be fleeting, but it's something you can help build on. By giving your ex a reason to want to be with you again, you can enhance their need and desire to see you.

There are certain adjustments you can make that will get your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend interested in you again, even if it seems they've already moved on. Learning these adjustments can mean the difference between getting your ex back or losing them for good.

The 6 secrets that you can use while you're apart to help get your ex-boyfriend's attention. The harder you work and the more focused you are on these, the more progress you'll make.

How to Make Your Ex Miss You?

This is a great question that gets asked by a lot of women looking for advice on how changing themselves can help get their ex-boyfriend back.

Secret 1: Become Confident

Guys love a confident woman. There's just something about a woman who knows what she wants and goes out and gets it that makes her sexy.
It's a known fact that women love a confident man, but they often overlook the fact that men want this in women too. It's easier to have a well-balanced relationship with a woman who knows what she wants as opposed to someone who's needy and clingy.

You might not feel confident right now and that's OK, after all, you did just break up, but you do need to tackle this head-on soon. Everyone gets dumped at some point in their life, but you shouldn't let it get you down.

Look at yourself in the mirror and get back on the horse because without confidence the road to your ex-boyfriend is a long, uphill climb.

Secret 2: Become Independent

Another trait that guys find sexy and attractive is independence. Most women like to think they're independent in the various aspects of their lives, but when it comes to relationships they can become clingy and needy without knowing it.

Independence is the exact opposite of being needy. An independent girlfriend is someone who doesn't need her boyfriend at all hours of the day and is capable of creating a fun environment for herself.

This is a great trait to have as men are always more attracted to a woman who doesn't need them for every little thing.

get your ex back

Secret 3: Get a Social Life

  Your ex isn't looking to rescue you right now and throwing a pity party for yourself won't get him back in your arms. If your ex-suspect that you're sitting alone in your house pining over him you put him in a position of strength.

While you're still hung up on him, he doesn't need to worry about his greatest fear coming true which is you moving on before he does. The ideal situation for your ex is to keep the door open. 

He doesn't want to be your boyfriend again right now, but he also doesn't want to see you dating someone else either.

He wants the door open in case he has a change of heart. Is it selfish? Perhaps. But that's where you're at right now.

What you need to do is the opposite of what he expects from you at this time and turn the tables on him. Instead of sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring, you need to be out having a good time surrounded by friends and family.

When your ex-sees you having a good time without him, his greatest fear will start to surface: the possibility of losing you to someone else.

Secret 4: Stop with the Drama

  A big turnoff for men when it comes to women is someone who is constantly surrounded by drama. Men are fairly simple when it comes to their relationships and when it comes to commitment, a low key, easy-going relationship wins out over a highly dramatized one every time.

A woman whose dramatic and high maintenance makes for a great filing, but not a great girlfriend. So if it's a committed relationship you're after, especially if you're trying to get back together after a breakup, keep this in the back of your mind.

Secret 5: Be Happy With Your Life

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do for yourself is to be happy. The happier your ex thinks you are without him, the more likely he's going to want you back.

I know this sounds counter-intuitive right? But we all want what we can't have and the grass is always greener on the other side. What this means for you is that your ex will never want you more than right after you're gone. Strange but true.

However, it's imperative for you that when your ex reflects on your relationship together he sees the right things. He needs to remember the good times you had together smiling and laughing and he needs to see you doing it...all without him.

You need to have such a good time without him that he'll want to be part of it again. The more he sees you enjoying life without him, the more he'll scheme to try and get back into your life.

There is a good chance that some other guy will become attracted to you and ask you out. Go out with him if you want to - you're single again remember. If you succeed and make your ex-boyfriend miss you enough, there is a good chance that he will make contact with you. If it bothers him enough that you are seeing another guy, he WILL do all he can to get you back.

Secret 6: Rediscover The Woman He Fell in Love With.

  Remember when you two first fell in love? There were qualities about you he just was wild about. Those are the qualities that you need to rediscover now.

Show your ex-boyfriend that same woman again. If he loved how outgoing you were, focus on that. If he was taken by how kind you were, do some volunteer work now. When he sees that woman that he couldn't get enough of in you, it will make him miss you terribly.

By recreating the same person your ex fell in love with, you can get them to fall back in love with you all over again. Take this free time to focus on improving yourself in every way: mentally, physically, and even emotionally.

Envision seeing your ex again for the first time after the break, and try to imagine how you want the situation to go down.

Now picture yourself in that situation and strive to become that girl again. Sparks once flew when you and your ex first hooked up... you can easily make those sparks happen again if you're willing to work on self-improvement.

Stay strong and focused in your quest to make your ex miss you. If you show him that your life is moving forward happily without him, he'll feel a yearning for you again.

To Get Your Boyfriend Back you need to understand What Men Secretly Want. The faster you can stop your breakup, the quicker you start building a solid new future together.

if your situation seems impossible and hopeless. Learn all the mistakes you MUST AVOID to save your relationship and discover how to get your ex back.