How to lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks

How To Lose 14 Pounds in 2 weeks

If you’re reading this article, there is one certain thing, you are ready to shed some weight in a hurry.

Setting the goal to lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks is a lofty one, but with some hard work and the right approach and determination, you can definitely see the results you’re looking for.

When most people adopt the goal to lose weight rapidly, the very first thing that they do is seek out a crash diet plan.
Starvation is their go-to strategy.

Well, guess what?
Starve yourself for 2 weeks and you will:

• Suffer a dramatically reduced metabolic rate
• Experience a high degree of muscle mass loss NOT fat loss like you were hoping
• Be miserable, irritable, and downright feel like you want to curl up and wait for the 2 weeks to pass
Sound enjoyable?

I think not, which is why you need a better approach – a smarter approach that will ensure that you come out ahead. And with the approach we’re going to show you today, you can do just that.

When looking at shedding this much weight this quickly, there are definitely some key things that you must be doing if you’re going to see good results taking place.

We’re going to provide you a run-down in the following guide on what you should be doing diet-wise as well as workout-wise if you want to see fast results that stick. In addition to that, we’re also going to touch upon a few lifestyle factors that need to be in place as well.

How you lead your life 24 hours a day is definitely going to influence the rate of fat loss that you see, so this cannot be overlooked either.

So if you’re ready, let’s get started and introduce you to your plan to shed 14 pounds in 15 days. Stay motivated over the next two weeks and you will be walking away with a brand new body you can feel proud of.

Nutrition Secrets To Know And Implement Immediately

When it comes to shedding weight quickly, there is no way around it, diet is what’s going to get you the best results.
While exercise is going to be very helpful and key as well – and should be done regularly, if you aren’t following a good diet plan, you aren’t going to see the results you’re after.

There are five guiding principles you need to be using throughout the next 14 days.

Eat Five Times Per Day

The first must-do if you’re going to shed weight quickly is to eat regularly throughout the day.

Now, this might sound backward to what you normally would do. On most rapid fat loss plans, you’d eat three times per day – if you’re lucky.
Not with this plan. With this plan, you want to eat five times per day to help better control your hunger, to help keep your metabolism high, and to help provide a steady stream of nutrients to the body so that it doesn’t start burning up lean muscle mass tissue.

This is exactly what you do not want to happen.
You should eat breakfast, mid-morning, at lunch, mid-afternoon, and then again at dinner. In the evening, if you feel like you need something extra, sip a cup of hot tea (without sugar).

This will help fill you up and prevent you from taking in extra calories that you just don’t need.

Focus On Lean Protein

Next, you also need to be focusing on lean protein as you go about this diet. Protein-rich foods are the ones that will best help you speed up your metabolic rate (so you can burn fat all day long), and preserve your lean muscle mass so that you aren’t going to suffer from a slow metabolism once you’re off the diet (and lose more muscle mass than fat mass), and help to keep hunger as low as possible.

Protein-rich foods are the most filling types of foods you can eat, so they are an absolute must to help you make it through this diet plan.
Which lean protein foods should you be eating? Here is your list. Stick to these for the coming 14 days and you will be on track. Remember that one serving size is about 3-4 oz. or the size of your palm. Eat this five times per day with each snack and meal.

• Chicken breast
• White turkey breast
• Venison/bison/very lean beef
• Egg whites
• Whitefish
• Seafood
• Fat-free Greek yogurt (3/4 cup)
• Whey protein powder (1 scoop)

While this may seem slightly boring, remember that it is only for two weeks. Once you’re finished with the plan and have lost your weight, then you can add a bit more variety back to your diet again.

Fill Your Plate With Vegetables

Next, along with your lean proteins, also make sure that you eat as many vegetables as possible.

Vegetables are essentially a dieter’s best friend. They are:
High in fiber
High in nutrients
High in antioxidants
Very low in calories
Very filling

This is basically all the key things that you need to be successful at fat loss. As long as vegetables are prepared without any additional fat or high-calorie condiments, the more you can eat, the better.

It’s a win-win as far as your diet is concerned.

Stay Very Well Hydrated

Next up on the list of must-dos if you want to be successful with shedding weight quickly is to stay very well hydrated.

The more fluid you take in, the better your body will be able to wash away any toxins that have built up and be able to enhance the fat-burning process.
Drinking water will help to rid the built-up fat that’s being excreted from the cells out of the body, so it helps with that purpose as well.

Finally, water will help keep your hunger level down lower as well, which is always a good thing when on a more strict diet.
If you get bored of straight water, add a slice of lemon, and lime, or even consider adding a few slices of grapefruit or orange to really enhance the flavor.

Add ‘Metabolic Enhancers’

Finally, the last thing that you can do to boost the rate of fat loss you see is to consume metabolic enhancers. These are certain things that will spike your metabolic rate even more than normal, allowing you to maximize your calorie burn each and every day.

The best metabolic enhancers to include in your plan as much as possible are:

• Cayenne pepper
• Red hot chili peppers
• Green tea or Red tea
• Fish oil (3-6 caps per day)

Use these and you will get faster and better results.

RELATED: Weight-Loss Success Story That I really hope it has even a fraction of the impact on your life.

So there you have the main points to remember on the diet side of things. If you can implement these, it’s only a matter of days before you are going to see noticeable changes taking place in your body.

Now let’s look at the workout side of things.

Exercising To Lose 14 Pounds In 2 weeks

Because of the fact, the diet is so intense on this plan, you aren’t going to be doing a very intense workout program. The body can only handle so much stress at a time and if you’re doing very intense workouts coupled with very intense dieting, you are on a fast road to trouble.

Instead, your workouts will be short and sweet.

Their objective is to spike your metabolic rate so that you burn up calories all day long, as well as help you maintain lean muscle mass tissue.
This is going to involve you performing 2 weight lifting workouts per week along with an additional 2 interval cardio training sessions, for a total of four workouts overall.

Then the other three days of the week are going to be devoted to rest and recovery.

Weight Lifting

For your weight lifting workout, you’ll be doing a full-body approach, so you’ll hit each and every muscle group in the body at once, and you’ll be using primary compound exercises so that you are able to work as many muscle groups at once as possible.

This will provide a stronger metabolic rate increase, it will help to get you in and out of the gym faster, and it will help you maintain your muscle mass tissue better since you’ll be able to lift more weight overall.
Basically, it’s a win-win.

You’ll be keeping the total rep count a bit lower to the 6-10 rep range, which will ensure that your area able to lift a weight that challenges you and keep your lean muscle mass tissue.

Furthermore, you’ll be using slightly shorter rest periods to provide a greater metabolic spike and to give you a bit of a cardio workout at the same time.
Let’s show you your workout. Remember that this is to be done twice per week (so one workout each day), and you should always leave at least one day off between sessions – if not two days.


Workout 2

Cardio Training

Now that you have your weight training workout portion in place it’s time to consider the cardio training element of things.

Because you are aiming to keep your metabolic rate as high as possible, you’re going to want to implement interval training to this protocol.

For interval training, you’ll want to perform shorter bursts of all-out cardio training and then couple those with an active rest period of about two to three times as long.

So for instance, you could perform 20 seconds of interval training and then 60-second rest periods. Or, you could perform 30 seconds of interval training and then 90-second rest periods.

Choose whatever you’re comfortable with and do this 5-8 times per session, starting with a warm-up and ending with a cool-down.

Use your favorite mode of cardio training, but one that does allow you to accelerate quickly as that will be key to seeing results from this sort of workout.
You are to perform this on off days from your strength training workouts, twice per week.

Dietary Provision

Now, one final thing that you must note is that because both of these workouts are so intense and require more energy than your diet provides, you need to eat some carbohydrates before the workout.

For the snack or meal before you are going to do the workout sessions mentioned above, you should add one of the following:

• ½ cup brown rice
• 2 slices whole grain bread
• 1 large baked sweet potato
• 2 servings whole-grain cereal
• ½ cup oatmeal (raw measurement)
• 2 bananas

This will provide you with the fuel you need to exercise properly and maintain your strength levels.

Lifestyle Factors

Finally, if you want to be successful in losing 14 pounds in 15 days, some further lifestyle factors do need to be considered.

You can’t just hit the gym and expect fat to melt off your body, you need to be doing everything right 24 hours a day.

The top things to focus on here include:

♦ Sleep

Make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If you aren’t sleeping enough, your metabolic rate will be slower, you’ll store more body fat, and you won’t see as fast of results. Plus, you won’t recover from your workouts as well either.
It’s not a good situation to get yourself in.

♦ Alcohol

For the time being, avoid drinking at all costs. Alcohol is only going to cause the breaks to be put on fat loss, making progress that much more difficult.
It contains calories and stops all fat-burning from taking place.
Drink only water and green/red tea while following this plan. 

♦ Stress

Finally, aim to keep your stress levels as low as possible. Having too much stress will only encourage abdominal fat accumulation, making you look less lean than you could be.

Plus, it’s likely to lead you to emotionally eat, which we don’t need to tell you isn’t going to end up helping you with your efforts.

Use good stress management techniques – journal, talk to a friend, take a bath, or go for a walk. Do whatever it takes to bring your levels down. (How to Relieve Emotional Stress)

So there you have everything that you need to know to lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks.

It doesn’t have to be all that complicated if you don’t make it. The less complicated it is, the easier the plan will be to follow and the greater the chances that you see the results you’re after.

Stay motivated and if you suffer a setback, pick yourself right back up and keep going again.

Know that mistakes do happen and you can’t expect yourself to be perfect, but you can expect 100% effort.

Don’t let yourself down. Give it all you’ve got and you will be seeing good results to come.

In conclusion, Puravive presents itself as a promising weight loss supplement with a comprehensive approach to fat burning and overall well-being. 

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As the new year unfolds, taking control of weight and health becomes a priority for many. If you are considering a natural, science-backed supplement to support your weight loss journey, Puravive may be worth exploring.

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*Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking prescription medications.*