Test To Determine Your Motivation To Lose Weight

Test To Determine Your Motivation To Lose Weight

Are you really ready to lose weight?

Take this 5-minute quiz and find out!
This test is just one tool to help you determine whether "now" is the right time for you to lose weight Please use it to ask yourself questions about your readiness, not to make a final decision.

Answer the questions below to see how well your attitudes equip you for a weight-loss program. For each question, circle the answer that best describes your attitude, then writes the number of your answer on the line before each question number. As you compile each of the six sections, add the numbers of your answers and compare them with the scoring guide at the end of each section.

Section 1: Goals and Attitudes
_ 1. Compared to previous attempts, how motivated are you to lose weight at this time?

1. Not at all motivated
2. Slightly motivated
3. Somewhat motivated
4. Quite motivated
5. Extremely motivated

_ 2. How certain are you that you will stay committed to a weight-loss program for the time it will take to reach your goal?

1. Not at all certain
2. Slightly certain
3. Somewhat certain
4. Quite certain
5. Extremely certain

_ 3. Consider all outside factors at this time in your life (the stress you're feeling at work, your family Obligations, etc.). To what extent can you tolerate the effort required to stick to a program?

1. Cannot tolerate
2. Can tolerate
3. Uncertain
4. Can tolerate well
5. Can tolerate easily

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 _ 4. Think honestly about how much weight you hope to lose and how quickly you hope to lose it Figuring a weight loss of one to two pounds per week, how realistic is your expectation?

1. Very unrealistic
2. Somewhat unrealistic
3. Moderately unrealistic
4. Somewhat realistic
5. Very realistic

_ 5. While losing weight, do you fantasize about eating a lot of your favorite foods?

1. Always
2. Frequently
3. Occasionally
4. Rarely
5. Never

_ 6. While losing weight, do you feel deprived, angry and/or upset?

1. Always
2. Frequently
3. Occasionally
4. Rarely
5. Never

Section 1 - Total Score
If you scored:

6 to 16: This may not be the right time for you to a beginning, a weight-loss program. Inadequate motivation and inspiration, together with unrealistic goals, could obstruct your advance. Think about those things that contribute to this, and consider changing them before undertaking a program.

17 to 23: You may be close to being ready to begin a program but should think about ways to boost your readiness before you begin.
24 to 30: The path is clear with respect to goals and attitudes.

Section 2: Hunger and Eating Cues
_ 7. When the food comes up in conversation or in something you read, do you want to eat even if you are not hungry?

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Occasionally
4. Frequently
5. Always

_ 8. How often do you eat because of physical hunger?

1. Always
2. Frequently
3. Occasionally
4. Rarely
5. Never

_ 9. Do you have trouble controlling your eating when your favorite foods are around the house?

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Occasionally
4. Frequently
5. Always

Section 2 - Total Score
If you scored:

3 to 6: You might sometimes feed more than you would like, but it does not appear to be a result of high responsiveness to external cues. Controlling the attitudes that make you eat may be especially helpful.

7 to 9: You may have a moderate tendency to eat just because the food is available. Weight loss may be easier for you if you try to stand external signals, and feed only when you are physically hungry.

10 to 15: Some or most of your eating may be in response to thinking about food or exposing yourself to temptations to eat Think of ways to minimize your presentation to temptations, with the goal that you eat only in response to physical hunger.

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Section 3: Control Over Eating
If the following situations occurred while you were on a weight-loss program, would you be likely to eat more or less immediately afterward and for the rest of the day?

_10. Although you planned on skipping lunch, a friend talks you into going out for a meal.

1. Would eat much less
2. Would eat somewhat less
3. Would make no difference
4. Would eat somewhat more
5. Would eat much more

_11. You "break" your diet by eating a fattening "forbidden" food.

1. Would eat much less
2. Would eat somewhat less
3. Would make no difference
4. Would eat somewhat more
5. Would eat much more

_12. You have been following your regime true and decide to put to test yourself by eating something you consider a feast.

1. Would eat much less
2. Would eat somewhat less
3. Would make no difference
4. Would eat somewhat more
5. Would eat much more

RELATED: How To Control Eating Habits >>>

Section 3 - Total Score

If you scored:

3 to 7: You recover rapidly from mistakes. In any case, on the off chance that you regularly interchange between eating crazy and eating less carbs entirely, you may have a genuine eating issue and ought to get proficient help.

8 to 11: You do not seem to let unplanned eating disrupt your program. This is a flexible, balanced approach.

12 to 15: You may be inclined to overindulge after an event breaks your control or diverts you from the track. Your reaction to these eating events can be improved.

Section 4: Binge Eating and Purging
_13. Besides occasion feasts, have you at any point eaten a substantial aggregate of sustenance rapidly and felt after that this eating occurrence was over the top and crazy?

2. Yes                                     O.No

_14. If you answered yes to question 13 above, how often have you engaged in this behavior during the last year?

1. Less than once a month
2. About once a month
3. A few times a month
4. About once a week
5. About three times a week
6. Daily

_15. Have you at any point cleansed or purged (induced vomiting) to screen your weight?

5. Yes                                  O. No

_16. If you answered yes to question 15 above, how often have you engaged in this behavior during the last year?

1. Less than once a month
2. About once a month
3. A few times a month
4. About once a week
5. About three times a week
6. Daily

Section 4 - Total Score
If you scored:

o to 1: It appears that purging and binge eating is not an issue for you.

2 to 11: Pay attention to these eating patterns. Should they arise more frequently, get professional help.

12 to 19: You show signs of having a potentially serious eating problem. See a counselor experienced in eating disorders right away.

Section 5: Emotional Eating
_17. Do you eat more than you would like to when you have negative feelings, such as anxiety, depression, anger, or loneliness?

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Occasionally
4. Frequently
5. Always

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_ 18. Do you have hardness controlling your eating when you have positive feelings-do you celebrate being good by eating?

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Occasionally
4. Frequently
5. Always

_19. When you have unpleasant interactions with others in your life or after a difficult day at work, do you eat more than you would like?

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Occasionally
4. Frequently
5. Always

Section 5 - Total Score
If you scored:

3 to 8: You do not appear to allow your thoughts and emotions affect your eating.

9 to 11: You occasionally eat in response to emotional highs and lows. supervise this behavior to learn when and why it arrives, and be ready to find alternative activities.

12 to 15: Emotional ups and downs can stimulate your eating. Try to deal with the feelings that trigger the eating, and find other ways to express them.

Section 6: Exercise Patterns and Attitudes
_ 20. How often do you exercise?

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Occasionally
4. Frequently
5. Always

_ 21. How confident are you that you can exercise regularly?

1. Not at all confident
2. Slightly confident
3. Somewhat confident
4. Quite confident
5. Extremely confident

_ 22. When you think about exercise, do you develop a positive or negative picture in your mind? (How to develop a positive mindset)

1. Completely negative
2. Somewhat negative
3. Neutral
4. Somewhat positive
5. Completely positive

_ 23. How certain are you that you can work regular exercise into your daily

1. Not at all certain
2. Slightly certain
3. Somewhat certain
4. Quite certain
5. Extremely certain

Fat Decimator System

Section 6 - Total Score
If you scored:

4 to 10: You are probably not exercising as regularly as you should. Determine whether your attitudes about exercise are blocking your way, then change what you must and put on those walking shoes. (Walking and Losing Weight)

11 to 16: You need to feel more positive about exercise so you can do it more often. Think of ways to be more active that are fun and fit into your lifestyle.

17 to 20 It looks like the path is clear for you to be active. Now think of ways to get motivated.