Action Steps For Goals

Action Steps For Goals

Realizing your dreams does not boil down to sheer luck, in fact, creative visualization can hand over the keys to an abundant and prosperous lifestyle.
No matter what your dreams are - be it a rewarding career or a loving spouse - awakening the power of your mind to manifest your dreams is as easy as imagining it. Anyone can unlock their subconscious and turn their thoughts and beliefs into reality - and you are about to discover how.

Life is something that happens to you, not something you can steer and change. It’s a crazy lie to believe.

As you start thinking about the new year, will you join us on this journey of taking ownership of our lives rather than being victims of it?
Will you become one of the people who do beautiful, amazing things with your life?

#1. Defining The Goals In Life

Defining the goals in life takes a little work and some deep soul-searching. The first part is to get brutally honest with yourself and play a little daydreaming game. It helps to be off by yourself to do this, so no one shoots down your dream.

Have something to write it all down too so you don't forget what you come up with. Sit down and relax and start daydreaming about what you would really love to do in life if there were no limits. Write everything down. Then go over your list and prioritize the dreams; it helps to put them in categories like home, work, play, what is important in life, etc.

When you have everything prioritized it's time to go back into daydream mode. Look at your lists and try to find the one or two unifying things in everything you have written down. For instance, under what is important in life, you might have the freedom and for work, you might have something like working for yourself.

For home, you might have something about renting a place that has all the landscaping and maintenance done by someone else. The play might involve traveling all over the world.

As you look at those sections you might then realize that your freedom to so as you want, when you want, and not be tied down is what is really important to you. Voila! You have just discovered what your most important type of life is for you.

Next daydream about the kinds of things you can do to support yourself, given those parameters. To have your own business is certainly perfect, but since you want total freedom and travel, it has to be something you can do from wherever you are.

RELATED: How To Develop a Positive Mindset >>>

That's pretty easy with the internet and a computer but if you don't know how to use a computer, that will be your next step to accomplish. Contemplate everything you will have to do to bring about your desires. There is a lot of latitude to how we get things done, so there really aren't many limits to this dream accomplishment stuff.

If you think you need a lot of money before you can start, you haven't drilled down to the core of the dream yet; keep going. There are ways to get around the need for money. There are scholarships, grants, and loans for school and training programs.


There are apprenticeship programs. There is such a thing as asking the universe for help and being open to receiving inspiration. There can be as many stages as you need to get your dream accomplished. " The manifestation miracle " will help you overcome your obstacles to Abundance and Success.

The important thing is to find the dream and live it. Our deep desires, dreams, and inspirations come from the higher Source; they are clues to what will bring us happiness and success. Follow the clues to your bliss.

#2. Focus On Your Preferred Future

Imagine if every morning when you awoke, there was a card table with a mound of jigsaw puzzle pieces on it. And your job every day was to put those pieces together to create a finished puzzle. And tomorrow morning when you awoke, there would be another new mound of pieces to add to today.

Only, you have no idea what the final picture is supposed to look like because they didn't give you the box with the finished picture on it! How would you proceed? How would you know how far you had to go to get done? How would you know when you were done?

This is life without a plan, life without a Preferred Future. And the law of this life is this: "If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, you'll never have enough time to get it done."

Our personal life and our work are both a series of choices - choices of activities that we will perform next. The activities that we choose to perform determine our results. And the choice we have is between a future or a Preferred Future. If the culmination of the activities we perform is automatically a future, why not have those activities culminate in the future we choose to have? In the future we prefer?

We can. And we do that by starting with a goal that's almost too big to achieve.When a city needs to lure or retain a sports franchise, they need a big-dream goal of a new stadium, not an incremental goal like fixing up the old stadium by adding logos!

There's no way that a new stadium can be completed in a day, a month, or even a year. It takes about three years to finish a project of this size. When it's first talked about, it's hard to believe it will ever happen. But every day another piece of the puzzle is put in place and eventually, the picture on the box becomes a real-live stadium. And the impossible dream comes true.

If life is like assembling the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, why not have the final picture be something we'd like it to be?

Remember, now, that the stadium, even though an almost impossible goal, is not really the final goal. The ultimate goal is to get a new team in town (or keep your present one). Even that goal likely has a larger focus such as keeping your city financially healthy by creating a positive living environment.

Each of us has goals like these, too. But without action steps or plans, these goals are merely dreams.

Have you ever wanted to earn more money? Have you ever told yourself, "If I just earn 15% more, I'd be okay?" While this seems a reasonable and doable goal, it's actually difficult because your options are limited. Usually something like "I just need to get a raise!"

If, however, you set a goal to double your income in three years, you have to start to think differently to achieve that. And you'll also have to stop doing something you're currently doing to reach this Preferred Future. As you look at the obstacles along the path to this Preferred Future, you'll discover that these obstacles are actually the action steps you'll need to take to reach your goal.

There are seven areas of your life - each of which needs to have its own Preferred Future. The first six are Spiritual (Legacy, purpose), Physical, Family, Social (friends, community), Intellectual, and Financial.

Once you have achieved balance in these six, you can then focus on the seventh area of your life, your Career. And when you have a Preferred Future there and begin to achieve it, you will discover that the success in your career is helping you achieve your Preferred Future in the first six areas of your life.


The secret of achieving your Preferred Future is this: "Focus on your Preferred Future, but respond to the present." When you do that, you automatically identify your highest priorities, for example, and you will find yourself doing not the easiest thing on your to-do list, nor even the next thing, but rather the thing that will help you achieve your goals. Here are the five steps you'll need to follow to reach your Preferred Future.

1. Clearly define your Preferred Future. I want to make money is not clearly enough defined. I want to double my income so I can pay off my debts and retire by age 50 is a clearly defined result. Getting a new job is not clearly enough defined - being in charge of the hydraulic engineering department is. If you don't know what the final picture looks like, there is no way you can successfully assemble the pieces of the puzzle.

2. Know why this Preferred Future is important to you. Knowing why the result matters to you, will allow you to make decisions and judgments along the way that will help you get there sooner. Is that new job important to you because of the money, or because of the status in the eyes of your peers? If you don't know why, you might make the wrong choice for the wrong reason, and the goal is always to do the right thing at the right time for the right reason. You can't do that if you don't know why your Preferred Future is important to you.

3. Identify a small step that will open the door. Just like you can't build a stadium overnight, you can't reach your Preferred Future easily. But every journey has its first step, and each step leads to the next. And while all the steps are not the same and some are much harder than others, you have to find a place to start and then begin. You journey nowhere without moving your feet.

4. Monitor your progress. As you progress, look at what you're doing. Keep a record. Make a daily plan. Make a monthly plan. Make a quarterly plan. Make a yearly plan. Make a three-year plan. And take notes. Determine what worked and what didn't. Decide what you would do differently and what you would do better. If you don't keep track of where you are, you won't have any idea of where you're going.

5. Modify your actions based on what you've learned. When you have the information on what worked and what didn't, change your action steps accordingly. When you know what you'd do better next time, do it. And consistently revise your plans. If a sailor doesn't change course, he can never reach his goal. The better the sailor, the more frequently he monitors his actions and the more frequently he changes course.

When you focus on your Preferred Future, you are applying the pre-eminent law of body-building, and of life. That is, what you focus on gets stronger.

When you create a clearly defined Preferred Future and focus on it constantly, you will discover that every day you are choosing the most important puzzle pieces in your life that will best help you to build your Preferred Future.

#3. Avoid Negative People To Achieve Your Goals

Pessimistic people defy all logic. These types of people are unaware in most cases of the negative impact they have on the people they associate with. Then there are others who are quite aware of the impact that has on the people they associate with. The ones that are aware of what they are doing relish great pleasure at creating anarchy and disorder.

I understand that we all must learn to deal with all types of people at one time or another. When it comes to pessimistic people it will not be worth your time and energy to associate with them whatsoever. And believe me, pessimistic people will take up your time and suck all the energy out of you. People either fill you up or suck the life out of you. So, choose wisely!

One of the greatest gifts that a person can possess would be the ability to identify pessimistic people right away and steer clear from them at a moment's notice.

It is a known fact that you are the product of the five people you spend the most time with. It is crucial that you don't allow a pessimistic person to infiltrate your ranks and destroy the close relationships you now have in place. For if you allow a pessimistic person to infiltrate your ranks you will soon find out just how capable they are at destroying your relationships and holding you back in life.

One bad egg will make your life miserable. And worse, eventually, you’ll become like them. If you hang out with loser people, you'll get lazy yourself. And the sure way to become a successful person is to hang out with successful people.
Do you want to be kind, smart, successful, elegant, wise, and disciplined? If so, find people like that and spend a lot of time with them because that’s exactly what you will become.

(Some of us pay more attention to what we eat than we do to who we’re eating with).

#4. Defeat Your Bad Habits

12 Proven Steps to Break ANY Habit


The first step in breaking old habits is deciding what new habits you want to create with your life energy. Start asking yourself these questions:

* What do you want your life to look like?
* What habits do you need to eliminate?
* What positive habits do you need to develop to make your life look like you want it to look?

These desires must be realistic and obtainable. What is your intuition telling you about what you should be doing?

Listening to your intuition is one of the most intelligent things you can ever do with your life energy. Your intuition always guides you in the direction that is perfect for you. It is that small voice that is not affected by egos, past failures, or other people's opinions. It is your inner guiding light.

In your journal, keep notes on what your intuition tells you about the strategies and the resources that might empower you.


Crystallize your thinking. Determine what specific goals you want to achieve.

What habits are you letting go?
What habits are you creating in place of the old ones?

Your goals need to be specific, measurable, and realistic.
To do this you'll have to avoid nebulous thinking, such as "I want to lose weight." What does that really mean? For your subconscious mind to be able to serve you it must receive very specific directions.


Develop a sincere desire for the things you want.

Desire is the starting point for all achievements. It's the greatest motivator of every human action.

Frequently, your mind is more motivated by pictures and visualization than it is with words and writing exercises. The right side of your brain is where your creativity comes from, and it thrives on pictures. Many times the right side of your brain takes precedence over the left side, which thrives on words. In the past, you may have just written words down to reach your goals. Add this new dimension to your process.

Draw, cut out pictures, or take photographs of what you want in life. Put pictures up on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or any place that will remind your subconscious mind of your desires to reinforce your goal.
Every thought you have uses electrical energy to imprint a new picture in your subconscious mind. The efforts of your subconscious mind are to match the pictures in your mind with reality.

The more you deliberately plant pictures of what you want, the faster you will attract it into your life. It's very important that you allow yourself to fantasize about what you want in your life - let your imagination run wild!

To achieve what it is you want in life, you must think about it. There are no limits except those we put on ourselves. This is your life and you will be cheating yourself if you don't go for what you want! You must feel your success before you can manifest it in reality.



Develop a plan for achieving your goal, and a deadline for its attainment. The difference between a "wish" and a "goal" is that the goal is written down. Once you have a clear picture of what you want in life, your subconscious, and conscious mind can work together to achieve it.
When you prioritize and focus you can literally see what you want; this gives you the power of concentration. Deliberate concentration is like a laser beam - it can cut through any obstacles in your path.


Distinguish between goals and activities. A goal is the specific end result you want to manifest in your life. Activities are those things you do to achieve your goals.
Use the skill of awareness, and remember the goal. Don't get stuck in the activities.


Create deadlines for your goals.
Without deadlines, your brain doesn't have a clear picture of what you want to be created. Deadlines have a magical way of motivating us to produce results.
First, write your *one-year* goals on paper, then write down all the activities you will have to do to reach each goal.
Start by asking yourself what is the very first activity I must do to get started on this goal? Then write down each following activity that will take you closer to the one-year goal.


Break down the activities for each goal into 3-month groups. Ask yourself "What are the activities I must do in the first three months to achieve my goal?" Write those down.
Then think about the activities you'll need to follow up in the following three months. By breaking down the goals into manageable, bite-size pieces, you'll feel more in control.
The secret is that this divide-and-conquer approach keeps achieving your goals from becoming overwhelmingly complicated.


Make YOUR goals YOURS. Time for a reality check.
Please revise your current goals to ensure they REALLY meet YOUR needs, not someone else's desires for you. You will never be successful in achieving goals that are not motivated by your own desires.

Moreover, don't compare your goals with other people's goals - you'll always come up short. The reality is that we usually compare our worst traits with someone else's best traits and we can never win that way.
Let's recap these 8 goal setting steps...

* Step 1. Set realistic and obtainable habits you want to create with your life energy.
* Step 2. Crystallize your thinking. Determine what *specific* goals you want to achieve.
* Step 3. Develop a sincere desire for the things you want.
* Step 4. Develop a plan for achieving your goal, and a deadline for its attainment.
* Step 5. Distinguish between goals and activities.
* Step 6. Create deadlines for your goals.


Write your goals as if they have already occurred.
Try writing, "I now weigh ______" not "I want to weigh ______".
This helps your subconscious mind to see the end result.

STEP 10.

Develop confidence in yourself and your abilities.
Stay "sold on yourself". Here are some techniques you can use...

* Listen to motivational CDs daily in your car or while commuting.
* Do your declarations daily, and control your self-talk.
* Tackle every activity without giving any recognition to the possibility of defeat.
* Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses.
* Recognize and honor your personal point of power found at this moment.
* Develop a determination to follow through on your goals regardless
of obstacles, circumstances, or criticism.


Review your goals monthly.
The first day of the month is the perfect time to set up a ritual goal-reviewing. This should be the time that you can be honest with yourself about what goals you are really committed to and how you can improve your strategies. You must also be honest with yourself on what goals are only paper dreams if you aren't really going to pay the price to achieve them.

STEP 12.

Persistence is the real key to successful goal achievement.
Don't allow yourself to become distracted with excuses about why things can't be done. Excuses are the enemies of goal achievement.

#5. Overcome Perfectionism And Procrastination 

 Two Sides Of The Same Coin:
Perfectionism and procrastination are usually considered separate, unrelated topics. However, when examined closely, they are more like kissing cousins than casual friends.

Procrastination is an obvious block to success and accomplishment; while the other, perfectionism appears as one's desire to present quality and accuracy. More often than not, they both serve the same purpose... preventing you from achieving your goals and dreams.

Let's take a closer look to see what I mean.
Perfectionism... the power play of the ego! One thing I've learned about it is that viewing something as 'perfect' is relative to where we are at a particular time in our growth and awareness.

Now let's take a look at procrastination. Simply put, this is the one habit that will stop you in your tracks. We all do it, even successful people procrastinate. The difference is they've learned to recognize it and have developed techniques to control and overcome it.

Procrastination shows up in many ways. When it comes time to work on our projects and tasks, we subconsciously look for and find every excuse in the world to avoid doing them. In the office, we take bathroom breaks, visit with fellow employees, get coffee, make phone calls, maybe surf the net! At home, we play with the kids, walk the dog, do housework, water the plants, make phone calls, and yes, surf the net... do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, it's okay if you procrastinate occasionally; and don't beat yourself up about it. But, you must recognize the signs when you're doing it and take steps to stop it before it stops you.

RELATED: How To Solve Procrastination >>>

While perfectionism appears to be a positive attribute and is perceived as something to be admired, procrastination is widely recognized for what it really is... an obstacle to your success.

The bottom line is whether you're a perfectionist or a procrastinator the end result is the same... you miss deadlines, fail to complete projects and achieve your goals and dreams.

If these time-wasting, energy-consuming behaviors are allowed to continue unchecked, you'll end up feeling frustrated and defeated at every turn.
No matter how talented and capable you are, you'll never realize your full potential until you master and control these behaviors.

So, what's the answer? It's simple, though not necessarily easy. First, learn to identify which behavior you're exhibiting, and when.

Are you continually re-working, re-writing, and revising projects which cause you to miss or postpone deadlines? That could be a sign of perfectionism.

Instead, put your best effort into completing your project, make reasonable revisions and release it as complete... on time. When you've done your best, you know it and the feelings of success and accomplishment are your rewards.
When you're procrastinating, you have difficulty even starting a project. You get knots in your stomach, feel anxious, restless and even guilty.

But, once you move through the procrastination and complete a milestone or a task, you feel relaxed, satisfied and motivated. This gives you a sense of success and accomplishment and raises your self-confidence.

Now that you know how to recognize which behavior you're exhibiting you'll be able to decide which actions to take. I said the answer was simple, but not necessarily easy. The truth is you are the solution. And how you handle these challenges is up to you.

Taking action requires willpower, focus, and self-discipline. Make the decision to change the self-defeating behaviors of perfectionism and procrastination and choose to experience success and accomplishment instead.

Make a plan. The next time you start to procrastinate, stop yourself; take 3 deep breaths and do something related to your project or work.

When you see perfectionism rising, set a deadline for completing a phase or milestone, and stick to it. Give it your best, then allow it to be complete and move on to the next phase or project.

As with all things in life, it comes down to making choices. You can choose to continue experiencing the limitations and resistance of perfectionism and procrastination or embrace the freedom and exhilaration that comes with achievement and success.

Procrastination and perfectionism, or success and achievement; which of these two kissing cousins would you rather have in your family? Choose wisely... you'll be spending the rest of your life with them. Perfect!

#6. Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you want to be successful and take charge of everything in your life, then you would have to do some major changes and start willing yourself to get up and get out of your comfort zone. Perhaps one of the big reasons why you don't want to get out of your comfort zone is because you are so afraid of change.

You fear the idea that everything will change around you and you don't know how to cope with it. Keep in mind that change happens every day and you will certainly experience changes in your life. Learn to be flexible and have the courage to face these changes in your life. Here are some tips on how to embrace change.

Think Of Change As An Upgrade

You may not like to get out of your comfort zone because it involves so many changes that may cause you to have anxiety attacks. However, not all changes are bad. Actually, life changes are life lessons that mold your personality and make you a better person. Think of it as an upgrade, which can help you cope with the many challenges in your life.

Leaving your comfort zone is a learning experience that gives you so many lessons to become stronger. An upgrade is always a good thing so don't be afraid to go out there and experience those changes.

RELATED: How To Be Financially Successful >>>

Trust Yourself

Change can be scary. Particularly, if you are not confident enough in yourself to accept the challenge given to you. Going through changes and doing things that are entirely out of your control is unsettling. The change will totally take you out of your comfort zone(!)

Give yourself more credit than this. You are here today to learn and bring what you learn to the table and strong enough to face these challenges. Think of those times when you've dealt with big changes in your life and how you made it through. Never allow yourself to be defeated because in the end, you will always figure out what to do.

Changes Are Also Opportunities

Opportunities may come in many forms. Mostly, changes in your life are the opportunities that will lead you to success. If the lessons are not taken up... unfortunately they repeat themselves one way or another.

Changing your career or doing something new will open new opportunities to enrich your life. Sometimes, good things come in unexpected ways. Next time you leave your comfort zone, remember not to panic easily because this new situation might lead you to something greater and better.

There are still many ways on how you can avoid being fearful of change. You may not realize it yet but you are capable of so many good things. Change is inevitable. You have what it takes to move and weave through life without hurting yourself and the people around you.

Have faith in yourself and you will eventually learn to embrace the lessons put forward to you.

#7. Failure Is The Pillar Of Success - The Old Saying

You must have come across the old saying of "The failure is the pillar of success", which is really applicable to the present world at large. Refer to the story of Robert Bruce where he learned from the spider and regained his kingdom from the enemy after trying for the seven times of failure.

These are all stories of motivations from which we can draw the conclusion that failure is a state of mind where the self-control of a human is lost. It is up to the individual how he treats such a condition whether for his advantage or loses the game.

It can be emphasized that if you let failure prevail on you, it will destroy all positive capabilities in you and make you equal to nothing in the world. You have to learn from the specific condition and take remedial actions to neutralize the ill effect of such a situation and make sincere efforts to progress.

The best remedy is the strong feeling of hope, which opens the door to progress and stops the presence of failure. It is possible only when you gather self-confidence and tremendous willpower to overcome such conflicting situations. You can sure bid farewell to failure, which is your own domain and depends on the power of self-learning. You should never let the sorrow of failure pull you down for good.

Your planning may get slowed down or meet momentary pause, but you should be prepared to face all kinds of unexpected turmoil. It is best to ignore such painful conditions in life and start fresh for the next step and it is the strength of the individual character.

Remember the famous line from Wordsworth's poem "When winter comes, can spring be far behind?" You should always think positively and rightly to overcome misfortune and you will definitely be successful in achieving success when you are strong enough to face the agony of failure.


#8. Sometimes it’s okay To Quit

If you don’t have today off, you’re likely bored at work. Certainly not all of you, but studies show more than 50% of Americans are not inspired by their jobs. This really stinks.

All that college tuition, all those hours searching and hoping for a job that fulfills us have come to this. Boredom.

So what can be done? What do we do if we don’t like our jobs? Or for that matter, how to Create an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals? what do we do if we don’t like our lives?

1. Get rid of anything that doesn’t need to be in your life.
2. Realize you don’t have to be stuck in a rut.
You can quit things.
If you’re in a dating relationship that’s been killing you, quit.
If you aren’t happy with that small group you’ve been meeting with, quit.

It’s not like you’re quitting your spouse or God; you’re just living out the God-given reality you’ve got choices and are completely allowed to make them. And if you’re really bold, you can even quit your job. I know it sounds crazy and there are all sorts of reasons we should stay.

 Warren Buffett says the secret to successful people is they have learned to say no to almost everything. They aren’t people who go around seeking security. They seek a big life. And because they seek it, they get it.

People who are willing to wait for what they want have a much higher percentage chance of enjoying life in the long run. And those who choose security over passion have a much higher chance of not enjoying life.
You really created to be born, be bored, then be buried?

Ask yourself this, how many decisions are you making because you want security? And how’s that going for you? What’s one thing you can do to make your life more passionate and enjoyable?

If you did that thing, what would be the next thing that
would make life more passionate and enjoyable? And then what’s the thing after that?
What if, by the NEXT YEAR, you were doing something in your life you didn’t hate?
Something that didn’t make you bored? What if?.

#9. Your Attitude is your Window To The World.

Consider your attitude as the mental filter through which you have the world. A lot of people see the world through the filter of optimism (the glass being half full) while others see life through a filter of pessimism (the glass being half empty).

The person with the negative attitude thinks "I CAN'T. "
The person with the positive attitude feels "I CAN. "

Attitudes are a key power working 24 several hours a day, for good or bad.

The person with a negative frame of mind dwells on problems.
The person with a good frame of mind concentrates on solutions.

The person with a negative frame of mind finds fault with others.
The person with the positive attitude looks for the good in others.

The person with the negative attitude focuses on what's missing.
The person with a positive frame of mind counts his or her blessings.

The person with the negative attitude sees constraints.
The person with the positive attitude sees opportunities.

Your attitude is your window to the world.

Everyone Starts With A Clean Mental Window. All of us all start out is obviously with a good frame of mind -- Just watch young children. They're always having a laugh and giggling.

They have a sunny disposition.
That they wish to explore new things.


Consider the attitude of a child who's learning to walk. If this child stumbles and falls down, what does he do? This baby doesn't frown or fault the carpet. He won't point fingers at his mother or father for giving him lousy instructions. He doesn't quit, smiles, gets up again besides making another attempt. And another.

This baby keeps going for several weeks and weeks with a good attitude until he gets it right! His windowpane is squeaky clean, and he feels like this individual can conquer the world.

But as you know, there will come a point where life begins throwing some dirt at our windows. And which happens:

Our windows get splattered by criticism from parents and teachers.
The windows get smudged by ridicule from peers.
The windows get smeared by rejection.
Our windows get soiled by disappointments.
Each of our windows gets clouded by doubt.

The problem is, the dirt keeps building up, and all too many people do nothing at all about this. They continue to go through life with a filthy window. That they lose their enthusiasm.

That they get frustrated and despondent. And most tragically, they offer up on their dreams -- all because they failed to clean their attitude window.

transform your lifestyle and Wash The Window

Do you really see what I mean when We say that attitude is your window to the world? Can you appreciate how your attitude influences the way you see everything in your daily life? More importantly, are you beginning to see those areas where your window needs to be washed?

“A glad individual isn't a person in a specific arrangement of conditions, but instead a person with a certain set of states of mind.” That’s a powerful statement — and it’s the truth.

Action Steps For Goals In 6 Words

The seventh action steps for goals in 6 words :

Why do a lot of people do well while some fail?
Are you ready for the main element for success? Here it is:


The same 6 words are also the key to failure!

Our thoughts determine our activities. the well-known words of Henry Ford, who said:

"Whether you think you can -- or think you can't -- most likely right! "

Here's how it works. If you constantly think about a particular goal, then you will take steps to move toward that goal.

This kind of means that you will find an electric power within each people that propels us in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts.

You can't expect positive results when you spend 15 seconds each day thinking absolutely... and the rest of the 16 wakings up hours dwelling on negative outcomes! Here's the bottom level line. A little positive thinking doesn't produce positive results.

Similar to a little of a diet does not work. It's like striving to lose weight by consuming a healthy, low-calorie breakfast... and then pigging out on cake and ice cream for the rest of the morning! The same is true of exercise -- you aren't doing a few minutes of exercise ONCE a week and expect to be physically fit.

Check out positive thinking in the same way. A bit just doesn't get the job done. Instead, you must take control of your mental activity and think positively throughout each day until it becomes a habit. Remember, it has to be your dominant thought pattern.

Have a moment to consider your dominant thoughts in the major areas of your life.

Thought Precedes Action

The eight steps to transform your life is:

 "you don't get results without action"

But identify that thought precedes action.

That's why a good perception system is the starting place for the achievement of any goal. When your dominating belief is that you can perform your goal, you get started taking the actions necessary to transfer that direction.

Your Instances Reflect What You've Recently been Considering Face this truth: Your beliefs brought you to in which you are today, and your thinking from this level forward will take you to where you are going to be in the future.

In fact, your results in every area of your life reveal your deeply held thoughts about yourself. Consider your finances. What are your beliefs in this area? Will you be constantly thinking about not having enough money? Dwell on that thought (a shortage of funds) and you block the flow of money to you.

Make Thinking

Fortunately, there's thrilling news. You CAN change your thoughts, thereby changing your results! Here's how. For starters, see what you say to yourself all day long. (What Is Positive Thinking?)
Each of all of us has an internal tone; in other words, we speak with ourselves!

 Too often, however, what we say is negative, critical and self-limiting. Maybe you find yourself thinking, "I can't do this" or "I always mess things These thoughts work against you.

Instead, repeat to yourself that you can and will accomplish your goal.

Is actually also important to get aware of the words you use on the regular most basic. For example, will you put yourself down or speak about the things you could never have or achieve? Your mind listens to every word you speak "What we truly believe regarding ourselves is true for us".

For that reason, make sure to use positive words about yourself and your goals. Replication Is The Key to change your lifestyle, Right here are two more action steps to help you become more positive and get the results you want.

STEP 1. Just about every day, read some positive, uplifting literature. 

A good idea to do a couple of reading right before bed. There are literally 
Find 15-30 minutes in the early morning to get this done --and it can also thousands of way of thinking books and articles to choose from. 

Read whatever You are going to find a wide selection of success books in the Mindset and Self-Improvement section of any bookshop or library -- so check them out.

STEP 2. Daily, listen to the motivational audio.

in your car while driving, at home or during your exercise regimen. The key is repetition. When you notice these messages over and over they become part of you -- and you commence to implement them to improve your life. The coup will get you thinking about your attitude and other success principles every day.

"Change your thinking, therefore, you change your life! You will become what you think about".

First of all, positive thinking will not mean that you'll achieve your goals overnight. It can quite a bit less if you start thinking about making more money and the next morning you wake up and find a pile of dollar bills at the bedside. Not by a long shot.

Success requires effort, commitment and persistence.

And secondly, positive considering doesn't mean you refuse to have any more problems. Believe me, you'll have plenty of setbacks along the way. However, if you continue to imagine in yourself, take action and persist, likely to defeat those obstacles.

Remember, you are constantly transferring the direction of your dominating thoughts. Everything you achieve in your life runs from your thoughts and beliefs. (How to develop a positive mindset)

Negative thinking makes negative results... and positive thinking produces positive results.

Keep Your Attitude

Home windows clean and bright so that the positive thoughts can come shining through. It simply makes no sense to think negative thoughts...
until you want to get negative results.

Consequently, from this point frontward, choose your ideas wisely and use this powerful basic principle to get fantastic results in your life!
imagine Your Way to Success!

In a television set interview, singer Celine Dion was asked if she ever dreamed at the beginning of her career that someday she'd sell a lot of records and be on tour, singing in the front side of tens of hundreds of folks each week.

The singer replied that not one of these surprised her, as she had imagined the whole thing since she was five years old! She was not bragging and did very hard to earn every bit of her success. What she learned at an early age was her ability to tap into the power of positioning a vivid, powerful image... to picture the superstar she wanted to become. result before reaching it in the "real" world.

Creation, nevertheless, is not something set aside solely for singers, sports athletes or movie stars. In fact, it's something that gets used since childhood to create the circumstances of your own life.

Creation is often described as "movies of the brain, " "inner pictures" or "images. " We all store pictures within our thoughts about the type of relationships we deserve, the level of success we're going attain at your workplace, the level of our leadership capability, the amount of money we'll earn and collect, etc.

Mental Movies By The child years, Where do these pictures come from? Well, we get started to develop our "mental movies" early on in life. If we were criticized or sensed as unworthy as youngsters, we record the events (and the feelings associated with those events) as images in our minds. Mainly because we frequently place these pictures (both consciously and subconsciously), we tend to create life situations that match the original image.

For example, you might still hold a vibrant picture of being criticized by a teacher in a fundamental school. You felt embarrassed in front of the whole class. Later on, when you were lured to offer your judgment at school or in a group of people, you held back and kept quiet... all the while remembering (even only if on a subconscious level) how painful it was when you were belittled. The picture remains in your mind and applies tremendous influence over your present actions.

Unfortunately, a lot of us have not updated or modified our childhood films, so we're continually producing results that fall brief of our full probable. What follows are some techniques for using the power of creation to improve almost every factor of your life.

Take Responsibility For your Videos Not all mental pictures can be traced to your childhood. You're constantly creating mental movies based upon your relationships, career activities, and other events. Irrespective of what the source of your mental images, You -- and only you -- are in control of your own movies.

Let's get a brief experiment. Think about an ice cream cone loaded with your chosen flavor of ice cream. Does that create a picture or image for you? I will gamble it does.

Fine, now think about an elephant. Are you able to see it?

Change the color of the elephant to red. Within a fraction of a second, you shaped an image of the pink elephant. Can you bring back the picture of ice cream cone? Of course, you can.

Can you see the reason? You have control over the pictures that occupy your mind. Nevertheless, when you don't intentionally choose pictures to play, your mind will look into the "archives" and keep re-playing old videos on file in your mental library.

Change The Meaning Of The Aged Movie It doesn't provide you to deny what happened in a previous experience, no matter how painful or disappointing. You can't, for instance, replace the fact that you were criticized by the teacher. You may, however, change your interpretation of the event.

That may be, at the time you were formerly criticized, the meaning you may have assigned to the experience was "I'm not good enough" or "My thoughts are worthless ".

When this was the meaning of a child, you might have inadvertently carried it into adult life. Today, though, you can consciously see the circumstance in an unexpected way - for instance, the teacher may have couldn't help contradicting you, be that as it may, it wasn't a declaration with respect to your insight or your general worth as a person.


The key for you to get what you want is the "willingness to do whatever it takes" to complete your objective.

"Goodwill" Is actually a mental attitude that says:

If it calls for 3 steps to reach my goal, I'll take those 3 steps. If perhaps it takes 8 steps to reach my goal, I'll take those almost eight steps. If it requires 20 steps to reach my goal, I'll take those 20 steps.

Of course, at the outset, you usually won't know exactly how many steps will be required to reach your goal. This kind of doesn't matter. To succeed, all that's necessary is that you make a commitment to do whatever it takes -- irrespective of the number of steps involved.

Wherever does persistence easily fit into? The prolonged action follows commitment -- that is, first you must be committed to something before you'll continue to attain it. Once you might have made a commitment to achieve your goal, then you will follow through with relentless determination and action until you attain the desired result.

Whenever you make a determination and are willing to do whatever it requires, you commence bringing the people and circumstances required to accomplish your goal. For instance, once you devote yourself to becoming, say, a best-selling writer, you might suddenly "bump into" a literary agent or "discover" a television set program offering advice on this very topic.

It's not as if these resources never existed before. Really just that your brain never focused on finding them. Once you devote yourself to something, you create a mental picture of what it would wind up as to achieve it.

Then, the mind immediately will go to work, such as a magnetic, attracting events and circumstances that will help bring your picture into truth. You need to realize, however, that this is not an overnight process; you must be active and get the opportunities as they appear.

Never Never Abandon

The most important action plan to achieve goals is :

" Never Never Never...... Give Up"

Before you get excessively amped up for waltzing effectively toward your objectives, I alert you. Indeed, even with dedication, everything, won't be rosy on your way. Life will test you to see how genuine you are tied in with accomplishing your goal.

Impediments will emerge. You'll commit errors and endure frustrations also, mishaps, some of which might be very extreme and even entice you to relinquish your objective.

As a result, the very next time you suffer a problem or setback in your life, don't get discouraged or surrender. May let problems cloud your attitude window forever. You may find after the dust settles, that you can actually see better than you do before! Just remember the words of Napoleon Slope: "Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or higher benefit''.

Continually ask yourself what you've discovered from your trying experience and give attention to continuing to move forward and growing as a person. During issues, dependably endeavor to keep up a hopeful state of mind and a receptive outlook - for this is the condition that will enable you to discover the advantage in your difficulty.

there is no such thing as “failure” — there are only results
there is no such thing as disappointment there are just outcomes some more fruitful than others.

Disappointment doesn't mean you've achieved the finish of the line and that achievement isn't conceivable. The main time achievement is unimaginable is the point at which you stop. Stopping is last. Be that as it may, proceeded with endeavors, with responsibility what's more, tirelessness, can be transformed into progress.

Never Give Up

by Michael Boll

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