How To Solve Procrastination

How To Solve Procrastination

Discover how to solve procrastination, if you consistently push back tasks that need to be completed? The lack of motivation to finish things that need to be done can be very frustrating.

You could have a great work ethic yet still find yourself putting off routine appointments or projects. There are many ways you can become more efficient at completing tasks on a day-to-day basis.

What Are The Major Disadvantages of Procrastination?

Of course, procrastination affects an individual's time, probably causing to delay or put off something which is previously planned. Because of procrastination people often delay the tasks or assignments that might likely be done earlier.
The anxiety of delaying or putting off something can also reflect on an individual's mind and may affect attention and concentration. It considerably wastes an individual's significant time, if there is something supposed to perform.

In regards to the school, the answer to the request of "what are the disadvantages of procrastination" could be like, numerous restless nights attempting to get an assignment completed or even missing the deadlines and bringing a failure rating.

In respect of the workplace, the reply would be missed the cut-off date and bad critiques with regards to the performance.

Due to Procrastination, people can get lots of drawbacks in their life. Mainly, it lowers their self-esteem, as they feel bad at the end of the day when haven't done anything.

Some Significant Disadvantages of the Procrastination:

The quest for what are the disadvantages of procrastination mainly focuses on the procrastination drawbacks. Some of the disadvantages of procrastination are, for example, it keeps people from achieving their targets and objectives, it furnishes a sense of discomfort, it is a symbol of laziness, and it keeps the things accumulating.

Along with them, it keeps an individual to stuck in the problem and prevents from moving ahead in life, people find difficult to focus on performing other chores till they have finished the one in hand.

• Waste of time: Wastage of time is considered to be the most likely answer to the question of the "What are the disadvantages of procrastination". Due to procrastination, many people waste their time unnecessarily. They tend to postpone their activity, thinking that it can be accomplished after some time, but in reality, that time will never come. (how to have good time management)

• Missing of deadlines: Due to procrastination habits, individual deadlines can be missed. They may keep certain deadlines for their projects and due to laziness, they won't follow up. Thus, people need to understand "What are the disadvantages of procrastination", so as to realize the difficulty and annoyance caused by it.

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However, procrastination to has some advantages such as, people can have time for doing other things, they can rest, they may prioritize other chores, they can avoid thinking regarding difficult issues, people do not have confusion regarding the tasks furnished and so on.

Nevertheless, People need to consider more about the things to be furnished and "What are the disadvantages of procrastination" rather considering the advantages, because the advantages of the procrastination are the sign of indolence, which pulls the people from progressing in their life.
Often, people consider it is bad to procrastinate, but owing to stress they fall prey to procrastination.

Top Causes of Procrastination: "Deal With It Efficiently"

Procrastination: What Does It Mean? What is procrastination? What are the top causes of procrastination?

  Very simply, procrastination means, the action of delaying or postponing something. According to Wikipedia: "Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished. It is the act of accomplishing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones or doing less urgent rather than more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.

Oftentimes, procrastination takes place until the "last minute" before a deadline. Procrastination can grab hold on any part of life - putting off cleaning the stove, repairing a cracked rooftop, seeing a doctor or dentist, submitting a job report or educational assignment or broaching an annoying issue with a partner. Procrastination can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression, and self-doubt.

The Top Causes of Procrastination

  Do you know the reasons why you procrastinate? They might be distinctive to those of someone else. The issues for procrastination relate to a sense, conviction, belief, and the job that needs to be done. Only when you identify them can you do something about it.

Here are the top causes of procrastination:


Gossip, text messages, Facebook, and e-mail are some reasons why people procrastinate. There are even people who get distracted because they find or just feel something is out of place on their desk. The average employee wastes up to 2 hours or more a day on tasks that have nothing to do with work.

Fear of success:

To be successful comes with a price to pay. This may be long working hours, new enemies, isolation from family, etc. Basically, you fear what success will bring and procrastination grasp you.

Fear of failure:

What would you do if it weren't possible for you to fail? Fear ensures your survival but is also one of the reasons for procrastination. You may think that failing is worse than not even trying. So you protect yourself by putting things off.


Trying to do a perfect task puts a lot of pressure on you, making you feel so stressed that you procrastinate. Maybe parents set expectations that are too high, you are concerned with what others think or you constantly criticize your work. Any situation where you feel evaluated has a chance to be one of the reasons why people procrastinate.

Lack of skills:

Not knowing how to do a task makes it more difficult than it has to be. By nature, we tend to avoid difficult things and take care of those that are easy. You may have a tough time admitting your skill deficits because you do not want to come across as a good-for-nothing.


Lack of interest:

Let's say you're not interested in doing a task, at least at the moment. By putting it off, you feel like you are losing nothing of value. However, doing so can result in counterproductive. In life, there are times when you have to complete certain tasks you do not like to do.

Lack of rewards:

Another of the reasons for procrastination is because their efforts are never rewarded. This is not necessarily the responsibility of your boss. Promising yourself to watch that exciting new movie, spend time with friends or some other fun activity can serve you to keep going. Remember that rewards are not only external but also internal, so make sure to give yourself credit for your work.

Are the above the only reasons why people procrastinate? Most certainly not, nevertheless they are the top triggers of procrastination. You can uncover more of them by observing yourself while doing a task.

Life is short. Everyone wants to be succeeded in life. But what makes a person's life success is still a big question. Many attributes are related to success that ranges from physical to mental counts, hard skills to soft skills, hard works, thought-process, dreams, reality, happiness, hardship and what not!

Factors that have an effect on and affect success in life also vary. In a broader aspect, three things actually determine the ultimate SUCCESS of life:

• Health
• Skills
• Money


How Procrastination Kills Your Success?

Many people realize procrastination as the number one reason for the killer of their success. Yet, very few people do something about procrastination.
They procrastinate even doing something about this realization of theirs. And understandably so, because this is how paralyzing the force of procrastination could really be.

Developing a proper understanding of something is the only way to overcome the situation.
First: Procrastination means delay:
This may seem rather simple. But I wonder if people really even understand the meaning of the word procrastination? It means DELAY... and that too in big and bold lettering. You see, none of us has a contract to live forever.

We all are aware of this eternal truth. Some may feel that this is a depressing thought but I believe it is not so. This is because when you are fully aware of something you become alert about it.

How many times do we see people wasting time? Can we be called aware of the simple truth that with every passing moment our allocated quota is getting over? What are you waiting for? Do you think anyone would procrastinate if they really know what it means DELAY?

Therefore, perhaps, people need to understand that procrastination is not a fancy word. It simply means DELAY.

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Second: Procrastination is universal:
Procrastination is quite a universal phenomenon. In my opinion, there is no person alive who is not guilty of it at one point in time or the other. How do I know this? Well, I can be called some kind of authority on the subject because I have experienced doing it several times. As absurd as it may seem, this article sat unfinished on my desk for quite a few days for the same reason - procrastination.

So, it is not my intention to get preachy on this topic. The motive behind this article is to draw attention to the real killer aspects of this universally present trait.

Third: Procrastination causes the delay in the attainment of your success:
I wonder if any person in their right mind would want to delay the attainment of their goals and dreams? Well, isn't this exactly what we all are doing? Would you like to have your dreams now? Or, would you like to have the two, three, six, eight months... or years later?

Remember, everyone has to go through their fair share of temporary failure before attaining their desired success. No one knows exactly what will happen in the future.

So does it not make more sense to start sooner rather than later?

Fourth: Procrastination brings you closer to unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled life:
Do you know that most people who go to their graves go there with the music still in them? This is because they hardly ever do what they wish to do in their lives. If you do not believe this, just try talking to some people over seventy-five or eighty years of age.

Most of the time their talk is about how they lost opportunities... how they could have done better... how things could have turned differently, and the likes of this. Why does this happen? This happens only because of one reason - procrastination. They delayed doing what they wished to do.


You know what never ceases to surprise me is that even at a late stage, all they are doing is delaying by repenting, instead of actually doing something about it. Remember, it is not too late, till the time one is living.

Fifth: Procrastination creates pressure:
Procrastination creates immense pressure leading to loss of energy, loss of health, and the mental sense of unworthiness. Even if this is not understood very well most of the people have experienced the bogged down the feeling of lethargy when they have a pile of stuff just lying around begging for their attention.

When they somehow muster up enough initiative to do some of these tasks, they release energy, and like a miracle, all physical exhaustion just melts into thin air.

Therefore, get up and get going is quite a decent suggestion.

Let us not worry whether our decision is right or wrong. Just get going. If it eventually turns out wrong, you always have a choice to change it. You will also learn something out of making a bad choice. Procrastinating making a choice will not lead to anything.

Get up and get going is, therefore, actually great action advice, even if it means just taking a few babies steps forward.

Tips to solve procrastination

Procrastination is one of the main reasons we don't perform to our full potential. It is a comfortable human habit that is not easy to break. But if you allow procrastination to become deeply entrenched, it can wreck your personal effectiveness and, in turn, the effectiveness of your organization.

Procrastination always leads to frustration, anxiety, stress, discouragement, sometimes leading to depression, and much more. The obvious key to solving procrastination is to just get started.

Procrastination has more to do with our thinking than reality, and most of us understand that if we could just get started, we could immediately get a second wind and really make some progress on the project at hand.

Once we start by taking action, we then can get focused and begin to concentrate, suddenly we find ourselves in hyper creativity, and hyper-productivity, and that is when we become unstoppable.

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I have a plaque that says "I will do today what others will not so that I will have tomorrow what others have not" if I could just get started!
Here are techniques that people have successfully used over the years to solve procrastination. Through the application, you can discover which will work best for you.

So here are some great ways for you to solve procrastination and get started:

1. You must plan out exactly:

A.) What you are going to do. You must write it out on paper where you can see it. This is essential. The great film director Stephen Spielberg said: "if it's not on the page then it's not on the stage." In other words, if it is not planned out exactly on paper, it's not going to happen. We procrastinate because we do not take the time to define exactly, in detail, just precisely what we want to accomplish.

If it is not important enough to take the time to write out what is really important for us to achieve, then we will have a natural tendency to simply put it off. We spend more time planning our vacation than we do our life. How absurd and short-sighted we are that this is true. How can we ever achieve if we don't know what exactly it is that we want to do?

B.) How you are going to do it. This is the step by step detailed plan of just how you are going to get this thing done. Many dreamers imagine all the things that they would like to do, but without a precise plan of action, they are doomed to failure. Bad things happen by accident, that's why they call them accidents. Good things happen on purpose, that's called purposeful living.

You must empower yourself to overcome the inertia of procrastination and take the action necessary to achieve your desired outcome by having a well thought out carefully crafted plan of action! You must take some quiet, creative time and ask the question, just how am I going to do this? Wait then for the answers to come and your incredible brain with the figure it out and report it personally to you.

C.) When you are going to do it. Next; you must set a time deadline to accomplish the task at hand. Just when do you intend to have this thing done. Think of the incredible motivating power of a time deadline. How about when you were a child and you absolutely had to give an oral report on Friday.

Or what about when you procrastinated until the last minute then ended up staying up all night to cram for an exam or finish a book report due. Or what about April 15th that causes people to focus and prepare their tax documents and stand in long lines to get them postmarked before 12 pm.

Never underestimate the incredible motivational power of a time deadline, and learn the incredible power of attaching it to any project!

D.) Why you must get it done. Great lives are absolutely motivated and empowered by great "why's." Why must you succeed? What is at stake? You must feel the emotion of what it means to fail or succeed and all the ramifications if you do one or the other.

This is what I call getting emotional leverage on your self and it is so powerful! It requires intense thought and just as intense feelings. You must not only apply your "intellectual IQ" to the task but also your "emotional IQ."

To the degree that you complete this commitment question of "why" you will find the energy, time, and effort to overcome procrastination and achieve your dreams. I dare you to try it!

2. Break it up into smaller more achievable tasks.

  Small steps are the keys to success. Remember, "How do you eat an elephant" answer "one bite at a time." When you break a project down to the least common denominator as far as small steps, the mind can get it's understanding around it and the mind will not feel overwhelmed. Much procrastination is caused by a feeling of just being overwhelmed.

When you break it down and commit to finishing one little step after another you will then build momentum until massive action takes over and you make a quantum leap in productivity. Little by little, step by step, one by one, is the key.

Anyone can do the little things, all you have to do is again take the time for creative and meditative thinking and split it into easily achievable compartments. That is how productive people operate while many others are lost in an overwhelming fog.

3. Next, you must do something immediately.

  By now the creative and motivational juices are flowing and you should naturally experience and energy and focus. There is something about just starting that is 80% of the battle. Capitalize on where you are, at the moment, and take action now.

This is the time to move forward and just get started. You have come this far in the process and I guarantee you've got what it takes, the focus, the interest, the excitement, the mental clarity, so utilize the convergence of all these things and start, and start now! Remember the old wise sage that said: "The journey of a thousand miles begins in a single step." Trust me, at this point; it is the perfect time to take that step.

4. Make sure you have everything necessary to do the job.

  Plan the logistics of the operation. How much time will it take, how much money, manpower, supplies., Carefully layout anything that you will need to create or buy or secure so that you can successfully accomplish your project.

Most people fail because they do not take the time to carefully plan every detail, for instance, 80% of all companies fail in the first two years due to undercapitalization.

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In other words, they did not plan accurately for the finances and other imperative logistics. It is easy to get stuck if you are missing some important piece of the puzzle and you can lose valuable momentum if you have to stop and finish preparations that should have already been done.

Make sure you have all the supplies at hand before you set sail on your project and then when it is time to start you will feel confident that you will succeed, you will conquer the incapacitating fear of failure, and you will procrastinate no longer.

5. Do the thing you hate first.

  Do the thing you fear most, and you conquer fear! Same concept. Our minds build up immense opposition to things we hate to do or are afraid of doing and it often causes paralysis that forces us into procrastination mode.

Doing the worst thing first makes everything else easy by comparison. Make the phone call you hate first during the day and you are on your way to productivity. Many people fear using the phone, it's called "phone reluctance" and a lot of people have it.

But, whatever it is that is incapacitating and paralyzing you, you must identify it, and put it on the top of your to-do list and get it done first.

Why not commit yourself to this simple little tip and make a habit of doing the thing you hate first so that you can get on with the main thing which is your successful achievement of the task at hand. It just simply works!

6. Picture in your mind's eye the task accomplished, and how good you will feel.

  We do things because we believe the results will ultimately produce something that will make us feel better. Visualization is so important and it is a true saying that we do things for the feeling it gives us. Why make more money, because we feel better with it.

Why drive a nice car, because of the way it makes us feel. Why wear nice clothes, because of the way it makes us feel. It's not the money, or the car, or the clothes, it's the way those things make us feel. That is a great motivator. That is why we do what we do.

So, if you can make that fact work for you, if you will but imagine and visualize how great you are going to feel when you win the battle and do the thing that important to you, then your mind, body, and emotions will automatically move towards the fulfillment of your project.

Your mind cannot distinguish between an imagined thought and a real thought, so let your imagination work for you and meditate, think, visualize, and feel with the most emotional intensity that you can muster, and you will overcome procrastination, guaranteed.

That is why people, with all odds against them, rise out of the ashes of defeat and succeed in life because they tasted the victory in their emotions and thinking long before they ever experienced it in reality.

If you can imagine the powerful positive feeling as a result of accomplishment done even before a task begins, it will definitely help you get started. Be sure to make full use of this powerful principle along the journey to your dreams.

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7. Make yourself work on it for a short time.

  Anybody can do something for 30 minutes. Anybody can give a project their best shot for 90 days! See the concept? Since just getting started is 80% of the battle, if you commit to working for a pre-determined short amount of time, you will generally catch your second wind, and develop energy and interest to go on and work on the project for a longer period.

It is human nature, so we should wise up and take advantage of our nature, even to the point of tricking ourselves into action with the end result of becoming a winner in life and achieving all we are meant to achieve in our time on planet earth.


You can certainly apply this to bigger projects by breaking things into small achievable tasks and then also breaking things into small achievable start times that will automatically produce a longer effort and major progress.

8. Commit yourself publicly and then work like crazy to get it done!.

  We all hate to be wrong at the top of our voice, so often it is a great push to overcome the inertia of procrastination when we announce to everyone what we are going to do.

This makes us accountable to those that heard our words and accountability is a huge motivator. One would be wise to use this principle by making themselves accountable to a counselor or coach, or anyone that cares enough about us to check on our progress.

This of course only works for people of character that it would be important for them to keep their words. Words are powerful so should be used carefully, but trust me this can be so moving and empowering especially at times when one may be tempted to quit when the going gets rough or again in just motivating one to take the action of simply starting.

Work is obviously essential. One multi-millionaire said, "the harder I worked the luckier I got." So commit yourself to others and then so whatever you have to do to make it happen, and they will celebrate with you when the battle is won.

9. Reward yourself for accomplishing the smaller tasks, and give yourself a big reward for the big achievements!.

  The truth is, like Pavlov's dog, we are motivated by reward and the wonderful feeling that we get from reward, therefore, if you want to overcome procrastination, determine what would make you feel happy and then commit to accomplishing a small task and then reward yourself.

You can do this over and over, accomplishing each small step until you get close to finishing the project, then create a fantastic reward for when you finish the task.

The project might be so big that you could reward yourself with a vacation, or maybe a cruise, or some new clothes, or a magnificent piece of furniture, or a new car.

You know what you like and what revs you up, so be creative and design a reward worthy of and commensurate with the fulfillment of the project, task, or the reaching of your dream.

Now you have the principles that are really the tools to enable you to defeat the ugly dragon of procrastination.

Without implementing these tools and making them a pattern in your life as part of successful living, things will literally drag on and on and on, and procrastination will control you if you are weaker than it.

Life is about decisions and choices and from this day forward you chose to be an overcomer because you hold the keys to your own success.

I can give you the keys but you must drive your car yourself. Now you know how to do it, so the responsibility for your achievement is in your grasp. Good luck and God Bless!

And Have FUN!